Day 29

Gallopy-gallopy. What a great game, I am really into this. So much energy.

At 3am I was thundering round, claws catching on the carpet as I zoomed at full pelt from room to room. Dippi-Ducks head shaking as she tried to focus on me from her curled up position in the snoozzeee with Willi Whizkas.

Maid and Manservant got quite angry. I did invite them to join me by landing on their beds, but they both just shut me out of their bedrooms so when I had exhausted myself, I jumped up onto the kitchen sink to watch the hedgehogs and fox in the garden.

Dumpty_stealing_kibblesComplete stroke of luck. I found the supply of kibbles on the work surface, I knocked the pack over and as Maid wasn’t around I helped myself.

Successful night all round, gallopy-gallopy and kibbles.

Maid’s version

Dumpty had the devil in her. She seems to have so much energy! She was thundering round like a loon in the early hours so I shut my bedroom door after she’d tharummped across the carpet and jumped on me three times.

Caught_in_the_act!And she has become a thief. She stole some kibbles from the pack. She was fast asleep by the pack with kibbles spilled all around her on the work surface. So the paw of suspicion definitely pointed at her. The other two cats were tucked up together fast asleep in the other room.

One Cat is Company

"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy. 
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"

Shona Steele (Australia)

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