Beau and the Donkey Sanctuary sign

If you visit the Donkey Sanctuary in Sidmouth, Devon, you are likely to meet Beau.  He is a much-loved cat who belongs to a family that live nearby.  Part of Beau’s daily routine is to pop in and see the donkeys and get as much attention from visitors as possible.

He sneaks into offices and tries to distract the staff by demanding cuddles.  Beau is always welcome, except during their Bird Ringing events, when they’ve had to ban him from the Nature Centre, no matter how keen he is to take part!

Staff and visitors just love him, and everyone has their own story of the mischief he gets himself into.



More about the Donkey Sanctuary:

The Donkey Sanctuary was founded by the late Dr Elisabeth Svendsen M.B.E. in 1969.  We support projects to alleviate the suffering of donkeys in 30 countries worldwide, including sanctuaries across Europe, where more than 18,000 donkeys and mules have been cared for, and major projects in Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Kenya and Mexico, where donkey welfare is improved through community education and veterinary work.  We also provide donkey assisted therapy for children and adults with additional needs and therapeutic visits to care homes in the local community from our centres in Belfast, Birmingham, Ivybridge, Leeds, Manchester and Sidmouth.

For further information telephone: 01395 578222, view or visit the charity’s headquarters near Sidmouth in Devon (open 365 days/free admission).

More about Beau:

Beau is a beautiful 4 year old Burmese cat that lives with his feline chums, Boris and Jeff, who were abandoned farm cats.  They were taken in by Beau’s staff, Calvin and Louise, along with two boxer dogs, Frank and Sam, who were both born deaf.  

The Very Best Toy for Cats

"Of all the [cat] toys available, none is better designed than the owner himself. A large multipurpose plaything, its parts can be made to move in almost any direction. It comes completely assembled, and it makes a noise when you jump on it."

Stephen Baker

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