Hi I’m Blacky. I am a one eyed cat due to an ulcer that ruptured in my eye. Several years later I was hit by a car and left with spinal nerve damage and paralysis in my rear legs and bladder. The vets told mummy to put me to sleep but I didn't want to, and mummy didn't want me to either. She believed that because I crawled home and cried that I wanted to live, so she gave me a chance.
However, I can now feel my legs if you tickle them and sometimes I move or stand on them, and make people very proud. I can also go pee pee by myself. Just last year I had perianal urethrostomy surgery because my bladder kept blocking due to crystals. The surgery was a success. Yeah, I don't have my male bits now but I’m still a boy and I don't have the discomfort of being blocked.
I live my life spoilt rotten and like to tell my story so I can show other cats that no matter how much you have lost in life there is still plenty to live for.
I also have a wheelchair; I’m the only cat in New Zealand with one that we know of. I have been on the news in NZ 3 times and there have been many reports about me in the paper and my mummy has also been on talk back radio. I love my wheels but I use them only for going outside. I get really excited when mum brings them out because I get to race along outside smelling flowers and eating grass.
When I am inside I like to play stick. It’s when mummy gets a stick and moves it around the floor and I pounce on it.
I love Christmas as Santa always brings me loads of things.
I am a determined wee guy; I can still climb and pull myself up on things, nothing stops me. I live life to the max and my disability does not hold me back.
I have a special group on Facebook:
where all my friends look at my progress. The next step for me is hydrotherapy. I have a life jacket all ready to go. I like to tell my story and give hope to all animals and humans. I hope you are inspired by my story.
Lots of love
BIO: Blacky is 6 years old and lives in New Zealand with his human Mummy Louise and his own Mum, a tortoiseshell called KC