Dezi and Raena - amazing service cats

DeziDezi and Lexi are two unrelated cats that live with their human 'Mom', Audra, in the US. What sets them apart from 'ordinary' cats is that they are service cats and that Audra depends on them each and every single day to help her first get the circulation going in her limbs, and then help her drive the wheelchair. Oh, and they have also called 911 on occasion to get help! 

I am thrilled and extremely proud to let Dezi and Lexi have their own Lexi section where they will write about their day-to-day adventures and misadventures and the love they obviously share with Audra. And you'll learn just what they do in their daily life which makes them service cats.  Read their blogs and you'll understand why.

After each entry from the girls, you'll see links to their blogs, Facebook and Twitter pages. Do check them out and say 'hi'. 

Sadly Lexi succumbed to kidney failure earlier this year and after many months of searching fruitlessly, Dezi's Mommy, Audra, finally found a little girl that she named Raena. She is slowly getting used to life as a Service Kitty.

Raena on the cat tree

Display # 
Title Published Date Author
Christmas with the Service Cats 23 December 2018 Written by Dezi and Raena Belle with help from Mommy A
It's good to see you again! 14 September 2018 Written by Dezi and Raena Belle with help from Mommy A
Christmas blessings 18 December 2017 Written by Dezi and Raena with help from Mommy Audra
Our lives wouldn't be the same 07 May 2017 Written by Dezi and Raena with help from Mommy Audra
She left us with love 12 February 2017 Written by Dezi and Raena with help from Mommy Audra
The Purrfect Christmas 22 December 2016 Written by Dezi and Raena with help from Mommy Audra
Thanksgiving: a state of being 01 December 2016 Written by Dezi and Raena
Going Back to Our Roots 05 October 2016 Written by Dezi and Raena
Kittenhood and Teething 20 August 2016 Written by Dezi and Raena
Welcome to your furever home 10 July 2016 Written by Dezi with Mommy's help
Mommy, Where's Sissy? 02 May 2016 Written by Dezi with Mommy's help
Please take care of Mommy 10 March 2016 Written by Lexi with Mommy Audra's help
Happy Day of Love 08 February 2016 Written by Dezi and Lexi with Mommy's help
Share the love 20 December 2015 Written by Dezi and Lexi with Mommy's help
Deztinee's Thanksgiving 26 November 2015 Written by Dezi and Lexi with Mommy's help
Training to be a service cat 01 September 2015 Written by Lexi and Dezi with Mom Audra's help
Drinkin' the water bowl dry 29 March 2015 Written by Dezi and Lexi
What is love? 14 February 2015 Written by Dezi and Lexi
Love Freely Given 12 December 2014 Written by Dezi and Lexi
Giving thanks every day 22 November 2014 Written by Dezi and Lexi
The holidays are upon us 25 October 2014 Written by Dezi and Lexi
Nail caps - the dangers 01 October 2014 Written by Dezi and Lexi
Welcome to Lexi and Dezi's World! 20 August 2014 Written by Lexi and Dezi

The Very Best Toy for Cats

"Of all the [cat] toys available, none is better designed than the owner himself. A large multipurpose plaything, its parts can be made to move in almost any direction. It comes completely assembled, and it makes a noise when you jump on it."

Stephen Baker

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