There’s something rather comforting when the rain is lashing down outside, you’re sitting on the sofa – nowhere to be and no time constraints or diary events calling – a cat on your lap if you’re lucky, but nearby if not. Add to this picture a cup of cappuccino (or your favourite tipple) and a good book. What could be better?
As I sit on my sofa, the rain is hammering at the windows horizontally, but I’m immersed in my book. Casey is at his end of our sofa, a soft rumbling telling me that all is well in his world. The book I’m reading is ‘The Dalai Lama’s Cat’ by David Michie and I’m absolutely enthralled with it. I’ll write a review for the website when I’ve finished it.
It’s so important to take time out for oneself. No, it ISN’T selfish; it’s sensible. From a frazzled Mum or Dad or Grandparent’s point of view, doing whatever you do is always for the benefit and well-being of your family or others on the periphery of your family. You’d sit down for five minutes, wouldn’t you, to have a drink? So why not add a few more minutes and a good book? I can get lost in a good book. In fact, when I worked in London I always read on the journey to and from work. I had to be careful on my return journey in case I missed my stop!
I’m not a frazzled anything these days. But I do find that hours can rush by in a flurry of something or other – sometimes expected, other times, unexpected. Without that calming influence a book has – plus a purring cat – then I find I don’t sleep as well, while my mind replays the activities of that day. There are times when I can only manage five or ten minutes of book time while I grab a coffee. But then there are the afternoons where I sit down, perhaps for a hopeful five minutes, but an hour or so can pass – such is the pull that the book has on me.
Not all the books I read are about cats, although I do get sent a lot to review, both by the authors themselves or various publishing houses. I do like other genres and often crave a non-cat book to read from time to time. I think Casey looks forward to our ‘me’ times together, especially if I’m so engrossed in my book that I’m not begging him for kisses.
And he knows the difference when I’m sitting reading or lying on the sofa because I’m either tired or unwell. Then he’ll clamber over my legs and lie next to me, his head on the cushion. First, he’ll look at me to see how unwell I am, does he have to call a doctor, or will a feline kiss work its magic. He has started kissing me now while I sleep, his whiskers tickling my face, so I have to try really hard not to open my eyes. Then he gets himself comfortable and we spoon for an hour or so, his purring getting louder as he ramps up the Casey Magic to re-energise Mum. Then, with a renewed vigour I continue to purr through the rest of my day.
As Colette so aptly put it: ‘Time spent with a cat is never wasted.’
Tell us what books you’re reading - and whether you have a cat or two in attendance …
Pauline xx
Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.