Casey - manspreadingIt’s been a tough year, not just for me, but for so many people worldwide.  So many of us have suffered in one way or another. 

Thank you for your ongoing friendship, love, and support.  I really appreciate those of you who keep in touch, who send letters, e-greetings, emails, or texts to see how I’m doing.  Thank you.

I’ll make this short so that you can get on with reading the rest of the Mewsletter, and all the exciting articles and stories my amazing team of writers have produced for us this Christmas update.

You looking at me! Casey on the stool, Gibbs on the carpetDespite living with Long Covid (and I could argue the point that sometimes, it doesn’t really feel like living at all; I feel like I’m a ghost at a party I haven’t been invited to) I am hoping that 2023 WILL be a better year for all of us.

Casey, Gibbs, Lawrence and I wish you and your families, and furry loved ones, God’s blessings this Christmas time, and throughout the coming year.    

A Morning Kiss

A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.

Janet F Faure

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