Casey's Chats

Casey has been writing odd bits and pieces when the mood takes him and he has something to say that he feels is worthwhile for a some time now.  However, just recently he casually left his list for Santa Paws on the table and I happened to take a glance.  There was one item underlined in red six times so I'm guessing he really wants this particular item.  It's a lap top because he wants to let his inner 'mews' have freedom of expression - whatever that might mean.   

Here then, at long last and by popular request, is Casey doing what he does best - chatting about this and that and the price of fish.


Display # 
Title Published Date Author
The secret life of humans 10 April 2019 Written by Casey with Mum's help
Living in the moment 26 February 2019 Written by Casey with Mum's help
Feeling a bit off colour 22 February 2019 Written by Casey with Mum's help
A spider stands his ground 01 February 2019 Written by Casey with Mum's help
So, what's this thing called 'Quorn' 10 September 2018 Written by Casey with Mum's help
A kiss is just a kiss 13 July 2018 Written by Casey with Mum's help
Holidays 19 February 2018 Written by Casey with mum's help
Mellow yellow 15 February 2018 Written by Casey with mum's help
Ancient trees 01 November 2017 Written by Casey with Mum's help
If walls could talk 07 August 2017 Written by Casey with Mum's help

In the Middle of a World...

"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."

Roseanne Anderson