‘Casey, did you see that ‘normous box that arrived this morning? Mum’s been spending her pension with those lovely cat people at www.thecatgallery.co.uk’
‘Yes, Gibbs, I most certainly did. We couldn’t wait to see what was inside, could we?’
‘No, Casey. Mum’s bought us some new presents. Although, I’m a bit worried she’s got another boyfriend.’
‘Why would you think that Gibbs?’
‘Well, she’s got a new bangle for someone called Arfur. We don’t know anyone with that name, do we? It’s not Dad’s name, so I think she’s got another admirer somewhere secret.’
‘Gibbs, you numpty! It’s not a secret admirer. She’ll wear the bangle to help with the pains in her hands.’
‘Oh, okay. Anyway, Casey, did you see our new stuff? We’ve got a camper van, a bungalow, a small tower and a tunnel. We’re going to have so much fun!’
‘Oh dear, Gibbs, I don’t like the sound of that. I don’t ‘do’ fun.’
‘You’ll like this fun, Casey, because it’s a different fun to the fun you’re used to.’
‘Are you sure, Gibbs? Sounds a bit too much for me, to be honest. There’s only so much fun a cat can take in one lifetime.’
‘But you haven’t had any fun yet in your lifetime, Casey. You have to let your inner lion out, sometime. Let go and roar! You can’t sleep on the sofa for the rest of your life.’
‘Really? That’s a bummer, I was rather looking forward to doing just that, Gibbs.’
‘Come on, Casey. Bags the camper van. You can have the bungalow.’
"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."
Roseanne Anderson