Dear Hol and Daisy,
I just heard your sad news and felt I had to write with condolences and to see how you are. I’m sure you will both feel Jimmy’s loss very much, and will be wondering how to fill the large empty space in your home and your hearts.
I know something about loss, my Mum disappeared nearly two months ago and still hasn’t been found. Although we think we know the area she’s in, we haven’t found her yet so I have had to adjust to being an only cat. It’s very hard at first but it does get easier with time. I’m managing to cope with Staff’s support and both my dogs have been a great comfort. Yes, even Pippin.
So I speak from experience when I say that love and loss go hand in hand, you can’t have one without the other. Loss is inevitable but love is the best thing in all the world and as time goes by you will slowly begin to heal and look back on your time with Jimmy with increasing fondness, not sadness. You will carry his love and presence with you always and be thankful for all that he taught and gave you. As time passes you will remember all the good things about him - his pseudo-crankiness and the way he guarded his bowl and hogged the good beds.
Hol, I gather you will take over Jimmy’s pen and his Mewsings. I do hope that you continue Jimmy’s tradition of ruffling as many feathers as possible, as often as you can. Someone needs to speak out and tell it like it is so please don’t hold back in your writings. Don’t worry about political correctness and all that nonsense. I think you’ll get plenty of help from your Staff, so you’ll do a great job and I can’t wait to see what you write.
Jimmy was certainly a larger than life, outspoken cat and a credit to the feline race. He had a good long life and I’m sure that he will now be working on creating anarchy and mayhem at Rainbow Bridge. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him at The Daily Mews.
Hol, Daisy, if you need any help coping with your loss, you know I’m ready to listen and help if I can. My office door is always open,
Love to you both,
Squirt xx
A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.
Janet F Faure