Tibbs as CheWith all the fear, frustration and anger swirling around the world today, I have decided to take matters into my own paws and become a revolutionary!

The humans may have some serious issues to contend with (and I will let them sort themselves out) but honestly the discrimination that we have had to put up with for hundreds of years is shocking and totally uncalled for.

Why, there was a time in history, during the reign of the Pharaohs when black cats were revered.  We were treated like the ‘Cats’ we are, and it was glorious! Just thinking about being worshipped and deified was as it should be.  In fact, I do believe all black cats ought to be idolized.  

It wasn’t until the 1230’s that a papal bull was called into being, ‘Vox in Roma’ (if you ask me it was all ‘bull’!) which began the slippery slope into the abyss.

This bull declared that all cats were instruments of Satan and Medieval Europe went mad, purging the streets and neighbourhoods of our ancient ancestors.  Black cats, having ‘supposedly’ more Luciferian tendencies than the other felines, which as we are all aware is utter nonsense.  Exhibit ‘A’ . . .

We can all be naughty, in that adorably feline way but like all creatures, should never be judged by the colour of our fur.

So, I suggest we protest against this unfair treatment we have endured for centuries.  We will, of course, demonstrate in our unique feline manner by jumping up on counters (we are not supposed to be on), meow loudly at 3:00am (when the food bowl is empty) and my personal favourite . . . lie or sit on the humans when they are doing something important!

Tibbs asleepYears of anti-favouritism requires drastic measures and until the world acknowledges that Black Cats Matter, there will be no peace.  We will not rest* until the adoption rates of Black Cats are equal to that of our brofur’s.

*’Not resting’ was, a bit of, preposterous rhetoric.  I, like most cats, do my best protesting lying down.

Will arrange a ‘Sit-In’ soon!

Mr. Tibbs


A Cats Prayer

Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.