Hi everyone and a very warm welcome, as always, to our new friends who’ve joined us since the last Mewsletter or Scratching Post went out.


I have some really exciting news for you so pull up a pew, grab the cat and have a drink of your choice nearby while I impart some eye-brow raising stuff.  Wait, I’m so excited, I’ve got to go and pee first! 

Right: I’m back – sorry about that.

The terrific twosome behind Cat Hampurr (Kelly and Gareth) sent Casey his very own Hampurr to enjoy.  You may remember Dumpty writing a review of her Hampurr – well, not to be outdone, Casey has also written a review which you can see here:

My very own Hampurr

Now here’s the exciting bit:

Kelly and Gareth are giving the lovely subscribers at The Daily Mews 10% discount off their first box. 

The link is below and will be valid until midnight on the 7th November which is their cut off for the November box.


Unfortunately, at the moment this offer is only available in the UK. The shipping date is the 15th of each month and they can take between 2 - 5 days to arrive. Subscriptions window runs from the 8th to the 7th of each month, orders received before the 8th are shipped on the 15th of the same month, orders received on or after the 8th are shipped on the 15th of the following month. That may sound confusing but it isn’t really.  Do check them out as they truly have some absolutely brilliant stuff and your cat(s) will love you forever and a day if you get them their very own Hampurr!


I apologise for the lateness of this Mewsletter.  I’ve been unwell again and Saturday I had to go to the Urgent Care Centre at the hospital where I was treated originally for leukaemia.  I’ve had a dreadful cold and last Wednesday I lost my voice completely.  It still isn’t back and I have a very sore chest from all the coughing I’m doing.  Needless to say, I have ANOTHER chest infection.  This is so frustrating because every time I’m really busy and have a ton of writing projects to get through, I am felled at the ankles by another infection of one kind or another.

The reason for mentioning this is because I fully intended to have the Mewsletter out to you before the 30th because I wanted to mention the National Black Cat Day which was on the 30th, and although I don’t give a hoot about Halloween I was going to suggest ways to be careful with your kitties on this particular night.  So I’m sorry that you didn’t get to hear those messages, but Dezi and Lexi have mentioned them in their piece this month, see below.

When sitting on the sofa the other morning, Casey looked up at me and I said to him: “Casey, Mummy doesn’t feel very well.”  Without taking his eyes off my face, he put his paw on my arm and then climbed on my lap for a bit of thigh-kneading – which was great as both thighs were killing me!!

Hope I’m forgiven.

The HOMEPAGE message is about Firework Safety.  Here in the UK fireworks start in early October until mid-November.  Just go to www.thedailymews.com and just under the Daily Mews logo you’ll see FIREWORK SAFETY.

Please keep your pets (and yourself!) safe!

And right under that article you’ll see Portly Puss – so do read that as it gives you advice about what to do if your pet is overweight.




Dezi and Lexi have written a timely warning about the holidays, which will help you to ensure your cat(s) have a safe and stress-free time:

The holidays are upon us


The amazing Anthony Smith has done it again.  He’s brought out another brilliant book of cartoons of cats doing what cats love doing best: being themselves.

Learn to speak cat: the latest mews

To see an interview with Anthony please click here:



Details of the latest book quiz can be found here


The latest caption competition hasn’t stirred your creative juices and got them flowing. Obviously Casey chilling on his tower hasn’t given many of you any ideas for captions.  Have another look; I’m sure you’ll think of something!

Caption Competition 44


There is still time to enter the Christmas Story/Poem competition.  It is free to enter and the winner in each category will receive a signed copy of A Cat Called Dog by Jem Vanston.  Details can be found here:

Christmas Story/Poem Competition


October was ‘Adopt a Dog’ month and Ed had a poem published in Newshound in mid-October to highlight that ‘waiting is the hardest part.’

Waiting is the hardest part


Many of us cat people live with many cats; I used to have 7 cats but now just have the one: Casey – but this article (reproduced with permission from Chloe Hulkin, the new editor of Your Cat magazing) will give you some wonderful ideas on how to keep ALL your kitties happy.

Create harmony in your home


Ham sent me this link which I can totally identify with.  You’ll love it.  Let me know what your cats get up to when you’re trying to work from home!




Here’s the latest offering from Hol and Daisy with a nod to ‘new boy’ Biskit.

Waking of the Soul


Are we all enjoying Carol Lake’s wonderfully funny Teddie Tumpkins and The Tiddleswick Tail Lifters?  Frances Gillotti’s amazing illustrations really make this story come alive.  Click here for the latest adventure for Teddie!

Chapter 3: The Marmaladies

And that just about wraps it up for this time.  Hopefully (health permitting) the Scratching Post will be with you in a couple of weeks’ time.  Casey and I welcome feedback, good, bad or indifferent so do let me know your thoughts.

Take care, keep safe, and purr-filled blessings,


Pauline – Editor in Chief

Casey – Editor’s Chief Assistant and Right-Pawed Purrsonal Comforter


In the Middle of a World...

"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."

Roseanne Anderson

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