Hi there and a joyful greeting to all the new subscribers who have joined us since the last Mewsletter was sent out. You are all very welcome: Headbutts and tummy tickles to you all.
Well, Christmas is just a whisker away. Are you excited?
Mike in Canada sent me the most beautiful version of Hallelujah I’ve ever heard. It gave me goosebumps; it’s truly awesome and I couldn’t stop listening to it. Although I sang along croakily (I have a chest infection – lucky me right on top of Christmas again) the words really go right into your heart and soul.
A Hallelujah Christmas - Cloverton Official Music Video (with lyrics)
In case you missed the last issue of the Scratching Post (which went out on Sunday 8th December,) here’s the link:
It’s not too late to enter the Caption Competition or the Book Quiz. Send your answers (as always) to p.dewberry@ntlworld.com by 15th January 2014
We have a packed Mewsletter so no there’s no time for chit chat – we’ll just get on with the MEWS:
Before I start, paws up everyone who lives in Ohio, more specifically Mechanicsburg, and surrounding areas? One of my lovely, selfless subscribers is struggling to cope with 40 cats and 1 dog. She is neither a hoarder, nor a breeder but with that many cats (many are just dumped on her) she cannot afford to get them all neutered. So they keep breeding. So here’s the thing: it’s Christmas – season of good will to men, women and cats - it would be absolutely fabulous of you to either donate funds or food to help Donna out or even better, to adopt some of the cats.
Here’s Donna’s email address:
Please contact her and help make her Christmas even better by adopting some of the kitties. You know you want to!
Ed Kostro has been busy on the campaign trail, trying to help get abandoned animals a home for the holidays. Read his astonishing facts here:
The 2013 Home 4 the Holidays Campaign
Ed wrote this heart-warming poem back in 2007 but I’m happy to bring it out again because it sums up the spirit of desolation and loneliness and the wonderful gift of finding treasure at Christmas:
Recently Ed rescued a little cat which he has named Jailhouse Joe. You can read Ed’s lovely poem about Joe here on the link to his site at Author’s Den:
He has a home for the holidays
One of my favourite stories about Christmas is by Jim Willis. Alexis, his Bassett Hound relates the story of Jesus’ birth to her fellow housemates while Jim prepares a meal for them all. Alexis has a slightly different slant to the Christmas story as we know it.
Deck the Halls and Alexis too!
I bring this story out each year but I know many of you love it so here it is again:
Oh Christmas Tree, you are there to be climbed by me
While I was browsing the articles in my section of the website (Pauline’s Mewsings) I found this article I wrote a long time back which you might enjoy.
Penel Ashworth contacted me a few days before the end of November letting me know about an offer Kindle had of her book, ‘Reservoir Cats:True Stories and Cat's Eye Views from Squirt’ (it was free for 2 days on December 1 and 2). Well, I downloaded it and this is my review:
You will love that book; give it to yourself as a Christmas present – you won’t be sorry.
Once I had read Squirt’s fabulous book, ‘Reservoir Cats: True Stories and Cat’s Eye Views from Squirt’ I had to interview this cheeky Scottish Somali chappy (who sounds like Sir Sean Connery when he speaks!). Here’s his interview –
This next article, beautifully written by Mary Anne Miller, tells how her father was instrumental in teaching her how to care for, love and respect animals:
If you feel you can help Mary Anne financially, there is a Paypal link at the end of her article. She would be grateful for any donations.
Top 10 tips for keeping cats safe in the snow
Despite Dippi Duck’s sudden and unexpected death in April, her diaries continue with the help of Willi Whizkas. Adoring her as he did, he wants the world to know what a wonderful feline she was, even though she was severely disabled. Here are the next few chapters:
The Felines of Fallon Street have banded together to write a Christmas Message to everyone who follows The Daily Mewsers. Headed up by Twinkle, the spokescat, you can read her message here:
Fallon Street Felines’ Christmas Message
I am thrilled to announce that Squirt, who wrote the fabulous ‘Reservoir Cats’ has just joined the Daily Mews team. He has graciously agreed to write a monthly column and you can read his first report from Scotland on this link:
Christmas Mewsletter from Squirt
Do write and let me know what you think of our latest Feline Correspondent.
Jimmy has mellowed for his Christmas message which is a bit reflective, but promises he’ll be back to his irascible self in the New Year.
Stormy’s Food Bowl Attendants are both very unwell so she has been on constant nursing duties with her fellow siblings, Tristan and Tweetie. We pray that Ham and Kirsten will have better health in 2014.
Willi Whizkas has written his first Christmas message for the good folk who subscribe to the Mewsletter. You can read it here:
Willi Whizkas Christmas Message
As you sit down to a Christmas dinner think about those cats and dogs that do not have homes; they’ve been abandoned, neglected, abused, dumped and left to fend for themselves. Spare a thought for people like Donna, Mary Anne, Jim Willis and Ed Kostro who go to extraordinary lengths to give these poor defenceless creatures a new start in life, to rebuild their trust, to give them love, food, water, a warm bed, toys – all the things that any pet deserves to have. And while you’re thinking about these folk who rescue strays, give thanks for your own cats and dogs, lying by your feet or the fire, in comfort with food in their bellies.
Christmas is a magical time of year but it can be the saddest, loneliest time of year for many. So try and give back a little bit if you can to help those less fortunate.
Take care, everyone. Have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year.
With love from
Pauline, Sam and Casey xxxxxx
"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."
Roseanne Anderson