Hi everyone, and a huge warm welcome to all the newbies that have joined us since the Mewsletter went out at the end of October. You join me today from a gale-bashed, rain-lashed Kent, south-east England. But Casey, Gibbs and I are all snug and keeping as warm as we can do – especially when one of us has very little hair (me); I’ve taken to wearing my scarf and beanie hat indoors – and NO, I do not have a picture of this!!!
This is just a very brief Scratching Post because in a week or so’s time, the Mewsletter should be going out to you all. I wanted to wish everyone that celebrates it, a very happy Thanksgiving. Without being political, I know many of you are in shock, and judging by various comments that have come my way this past week, I’m going to be taking in refugees from the US! I live in a 2-bedroomed house so this will necessitate a move. Our queen is kindly having Buckingham Palace done up (at the taxpayers’ expense) so I’ll put her in the Granny Annexe and we’ll all move into the rest of the Palace. Seem like a good idea? LOL.
There’s still time to enter the Book Quiz – please click here.
And I must apologise for the Caption Competition – probably put some of you off because when I size the picture for the page, it cropped off something vital which may have helped you come up with some scorching captions. I have resized it and hopefully, you’ll all have a go now.
As the deadline for both the book quiz and caption competition is today, I’ll extend it to 27th November – but no later!!
I have one awesome link for you this time – and it’s really worth watching – only 4 minutes but you’ll be glad to take the time.
My thanks to Mike in Canada for this link. I nearly didn’t watch it but I’m so glad I did. Please watch to the end – you might need tissues! (In a good way!)
Disney offered a job to the student that created this video
Sorry this is short and sweet, but the Mewsletter will be packed.
Take care, keep warm, Happy Thanksgiving,
Pauline – Editor in Chief – still not much hair about
Casey – First Assistant to the Editor in Chief
Gibbs – First Assistant to the First Assistant and Second Assistant to the Editor in Chief
A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.
Janet F Faure