Hi everybody, Casey and Gibbs here, with a review about a corrugated scratch board that Mum got free off that Internet thingy. She saw an advert while she was on Facebook (although why you’d want a book about your face Gibbs and me can’t work that out!), and she emailed the people to ask if they shipped to the UK. She was very surprised when they said they did, so she asked if we could have one. The nice ladies there, Katie Penny and Keesha Jones, said they’d post one out straight away and that we’d receive it in time for Christmas.
Gibbs and I don’t really know much about Christmas so when Mum was explaining that a surprise was on its way and it was for Gibbs and me as an early Christmas present, we just looked at her nonplussed - which, as all you people that live with us cats know, is pretty much our usual way of looking.
After what seemed ages to me and Gibbs, but was in fact, only a couple of weeks, a parcel arrived with our names on. Mum seemed quite strangely animated as she opened it, taking off the paper and squealing (almost) with joy.
“Look, Casey, look at this nice new present for you!”
I looked, nonplussed, of course.
“Look, Gibbs, look what Mummy’s got for you!”
Gibbs looked, too, also nonplussed.
It is quite small and would probably suit a kitten more than us ‘mature’ felines, but it has an interesting curvy up and down shape to it. You could probably lie on it and have quite a refreshing nap with your body parts fitting into the curvy bits of the board.
She put it down on the floor and sprinkled a little bit of the catnip that came with it all over it. That got my attention for about five seconds. It’s not good quality nip and it’s very stalky – no leaves – but I did use it and scratched it which seemed to make Mum pleased.
Gibbs watched me as I scratched it and then stood next to me and scratched the carpet.
Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.