Flea and tick control products can go a long way toward making your pet comfortable. But too many consumers may not know how to use them properly, which can put their dog or cat's life in danger.
Expert Advice for Flea and Tick Control
Sergeant's Pet Care Products, Inc., a leading provider of over-the-counter flea and tick control products for dogs and cats, has launched a national consumer educational campaign called "Look at the Label," to alert consumers about the need to follow specific label directions for these products.
"The misuse of flea and tick products is, unfortunately, fairly common and often harmful," says Joel Adamson, senior vice president at Sergeant's. "Taking the time to read a product label can mean the difference between the life and illness or death of your pet."
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns pet owners to choose the correct product for their specific pet and for the particular pest problem, as certain products are approved only for dogs or only for cats.
"For example, there are many brands of spot-on products for flea and tick control that are labelled for "use on dogs only" due to common ingredients they contain, such as permethrin," says Adamson. "While permethrin products may have a good safety record when used on dogs, studies indicate that a few drops of concentrated permethrin could be harmful or lethal to a cat."
Sergeant's recommends pet owners look for the following information on product labels:
v Look for the dosage amount for the size and age of your pet. Products are specially formulated for pets based on weight.
v Never use any flea and tick product intended for dogs on a cat, and vice versa.
v Check the back label for active ingredients and warnings.
v Look for the manufacturer's contact information should you have questions or need help.
v Always carefully read and follow all label instructions.
For more detailed information, visit Sergeant's "Look at the "Label" section at www.sergeants.com
Larry Nouvel, a pet product chemist and industry expert, says consumers should use product labels to educate themselves on the differences between products.
"For example, the ingredient etofenprox, which is found in Sergeant's Gold Squeeze-On for Cats, was selected due to its safety profile. In addition, it contains only hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. It is rare to find an effective pest control product with such a make-up. Most other products contain chlorine, phosphorus or other elements that often raise concerns," says Nouvel.
"Sergeant's has safely and successfully treated hundreds of thousands of cats since the product's introduction in 2004," says Adamson. "Adverse reactions can occur if all products are not applied properly. To the nation's 77 million cat owners, our message is simple: Look at the label."
For more information, go to www.sergeants.com .
If you have any questions that you’d like to put to Joel, you can contact him on: jadamson@sergeants.com
submitted by Jennifer Windrum
(Omaha, Nebraska)
"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy.
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"
Shona Steele (Australia)