Cat Chat

Garfield and Ricky deep in conversation ...

This is the section where you can read all about other people's cats and the things they get up to - whether they've done hilarious things, naughty things or downright plain old boring things - with cats - life is always an adventure!

Display # 
Title Published Date Author
A menagerie of cats and a dog! 30 March 2010 Written by Bernadette Barnett
The cat who saw God 25 February 2010 Written by Rev Mary Piper
Never too soon 25 February 2010 Written by Sierra Boyles
Broken Heart 11 February 2010 Written by Bobbie Hahn
Ashleigh: a special cat with special needs 29 September 2009 Written by Brian
How Squeeky got her name 29 September 2009 Written by Vic Reskovic
Kiri comes home 05 August 2009 Written by Jamka Petzak
When they saw death 06 May 2009 Written by Seema Shahane
A true story about loving 23 April 2009 Written by Dan M Weiss
Midnight: a short, short story 30 January 2009 Written by Claude Bouchard

In the Middle of a World...

"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."

Roseanne Anderson

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