Today, I was sitting by the French window. It had been left open a little so I could chuffle and get the scent of my collection of pet blackbirds as they come down to eat the scraps, kibbles and raisins which Maid puts out for them on the other side of the glass.

They are so close I could reach out my paw and touch them. My peace was disturbed by a rather large blue bottle which kept buzzing around and crashing face first into the window. Dippi-Duck waddled into the room, fell over, then with clumpy paws thundered round the room chasing the fly. At one point she caught it. It was trapped under her front paw.

It must have stopped wriggling, because she tentatively lifted her paw a little to have a look at it. The fly broke free and was soon bumping around the room again. Dippi caught it again after a few more wobbles, shakes and fallings over, only this time, and I cannot believe that I saw this. She hooked it with a claw, and popped it into her mouth. I felt quite nauseous as she crunched and munched the fly. She rounded her meal off with a cobweb from behind the television set. I cannot believe what an unhealthy diet that cat has.

I am stunned at such low market behaviour. Insects are junk food; you’ll not catch me indulging in such chav habits. As for cobwebs, what nutrition do they contain? Yuk!!

Maid’s version!

Considering her various and serious disabilities, Dippi is mustard at catching insects. She obviously had to survive on them when in the wild, and is incapable of catching mice. The garage is cobweb free up to knee high. I suspect she sees cobwebs as a delicacy when she had to fend for herself when abandoned in the wild. As she is so disabled we suspect she couldn’t really catch much so ate what she could, including cobwebs. Eating cobwebs does scream desperation! But Dippi sees them as a real treat and will hunt round the house and garden for a juicy cobweb to indulge in. As an added bonus, I’ve seen fewer spiders in the house since she came, thankfully.

Madam looked on almost in horror as Dippi ate a rather large, crunchy fly today. I don’t think Madam would ever cope if she had to fend for herself! But I don’t want to think about Dippi eating spiders, especially some of the monsters that scuttle across the carpet at night when I’m on my own!! She does go looking for them; big game hunting for a small wobbly cat!


A Cats Prayer

Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.


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