Phoebe's Weight Loss Tips

PhoebeIt's not easy keeping oneself in the prime of health and fitness.  We cats take our health very seriously and we don't like it when our humans get slovenly with their fitness regimes.  My human needs a complete overhaul and I've taken it upon myself - at no extra cost - to help whip her into shape.  One of my housemates - Ka-Two - needs to lose a few pounds and I'll sort her out as well.

So, my life will be a bit busier than usual - that's OK.  That's what we cats are here for - to care for you humans and to see that you make the grade.  

Join me as I chronicle the ups and downs of trying to create a near-perfect human! 

Actually, my human has her own column - 15 cats and meowing - so she's pretty darn near perfect anyway taking care of all of us which is why I want to take care of her. 

Ka TwoHi, I have been noticing my Mom and KaTwo need to lose a lot of weight. I am quite svelte so I thought I would try to help them. There was a time when I was not fat, but I had a little extra meat on my bones. I figured I should get trim being that I am 14 years old and arthritis could set in.

Phoebe pole dancingOne of the best things I did was to pole dance. I burn so many calories in a short time plus I stay limber.  I am willing to let KaTwo use my pole and give her some lessons. Sorry Mom, you are on your own with that one. I think maybe going for some walks would do you good.

I never eat my entire meal either now, I always leave a few bites. I prefer to have several snacks throughout the day, I just let Mom or Dad know when I want something and they give it to me. Unfortunately, when they open the package, everyone comes running for some. I think only kitties that didn’t finish their meals should get snacks, but everyone gets some. I know my Mom is a member of the clean plate club, I never see a morsel left on her plate. I think she should start leaving a few bites like I do and so should KaTwo.

Phoebe licking the cakeI don’t believe in restricting anything because then you will end up bingeing on it. For example, I came across this cake before Mom devoured it so I took a few licks. I was satisfied with just a taste, but my Mom had to have her cake and eat it too.

I am hoping these tips will help them to take off some pounds. Please feel free to try them yourself if you need to lose a few. I will keep you posted as to their progress ( or lack of).


P.S. You might like to read my Mom’s stories on all that cats that live with us – 15 cats and meowing


Hi everyone! I am here with more weight loss tips. Apparently, the tips I gave last month did not help Mom or my sister, KaTwo. Neither lost weight and I personally think they actually gained a little.

As you may recall, I suggested not finishing a meal and to always leave something on your plate. Neither followed my advice. Mom did stop eating chocolate for Lent, but the minute it was over she went right back to her old ways. Plus, she substituted Reese's Pieces (those little candy-coated peanut butter snacks ET loved so much) the entire 6 weeks of Lent because they are peanut butter, not chocolate, but they contain just as many calories.

Phoebe and the kitty weightsI also suggested pole dancing as exercise, but KaTwo didn’t want to use my pole and Mom isn’t allowed to use it for fear of it breaking. I decided they should try something else like weight lifting. I even got KaTwo this kitty set of weights, but I don’t think she understands the directions.

Ka-Two turns her back on the kitty weightsI am not sure what my Mom was thinking, but she gave away her treadmill. At least she got exercise moving it up from the basement. She claims she never used it and she wanted to declutter. Someone recommended a walking DVD to her though that she has on order at the library. It is actually in, but she doesn’t seem to realize that she needs to pick it up and actually put it in the DVD player to follow along with it.

I am starting to think neither of them is going to ever lose weight. I just don’t understand why they can’t. I eat a little and work it off on my pole so I stay quite thin. I will have to come up with some more tips if these don’t get them motivated. See you next month with an update.


P.S. You might like to read my Mom’s stories on all that cats that live with us – 15 cats and meowing

A Cats Purr

"Cats make one of the most satisfying sounds in the world: they purr ...

A purring cat is a form of high praise, like a gold star on a test paper. It is reinforcement of something we would all like to believe about ourselves - that we are nice."

Roger A Caras

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