Ollie's Diaries

Ollie playing hide and seekWhen Ollie first came to the Daily Mews Mansion, he was so excited to be living in a house with 6 other cats, that he wanted to make his mark somehow - and he didn't mean spraying up the furniture - not that kind of mark!

He decided he wanted to write an account of his new life so that kittens all around the world would know just how lucky he was to have found a new forever home, and he wanted to impart the knowledge that Garfield, Charlie, Ricky, Sam, Billy and Timmy shared so generously with him.

On these pages, you'll enjoy Ollie's view of his world ... 


Display # 
Title Published Date Author
Bird Poo and My 1st Anniversary ... 30 November 2003 Written by Ollie
Bedraggled Pigeons, An Embarrassed Vicar and a HUGE Present ... 30 December 2003 Written by Ollie
Birds, Birthdays and More Surprise Parcels ... 30 January 2004 Written by Ollie
Birthdays and bans ... 29 February 2004 Written by Ollie
New Skills and Ricky is Disgusting ... 30 March 2004 Written by Ollie
Blue Billy and Diabetes ... 30 April 2004 Written by Ollie
Garfield's Operation and Billy goes to the dentist ... 30 May 2004 Written by Ollie
Enormous Bumble Bees and Another Birthday ... 30 June 2004 Written by Ollie
Ollie's Diaries 21 February 2014 Written by Pauline

A Cats Prayer

Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.


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