
KippyLittle Kitty in the bushes was a tabby,
Although he was a stray he wasn't shabby,
He was handsome and very cute,
His meow was calmer than a flute,
Kitty loved me ever so much,
He purred with every loving touch,
He ran as fast as he could to me,
And my heart felt as though he was the key,
To bring happiness to my strolls,
To heal those with sad souls,
But as I realized he was not a stray,
Femke and KippyMy fears for him drifted away,
Then a horrible sound came from the distance,
And the frightened little kitty took off in an instant,
He ran back into the bushes again,
But was only some dogs and a couple of men,
As soon as they disappeared,
The kitty reappeared! 

By Femke Ward 
Age 11

One Cat is Company

"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy. 
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"

Shona Steele (Australia)