Toby was kind of like that grumpy, ol’ curmudgeon male that most people have encountered and can’t stand. But, for those few that would take the time to get to know him and get through that tough veneer that curmudgeon might be as sweet as pie.

Toby_PerryWhen Cathy decided to get a puppy she felt it was best to get a pair from the same litter. She immediately picked Holly as she had black and brown colouring. Cathy thought of taking a roly poly black male until she saw the runt, sitting on his haunches, observing all the goings on and said, “I’ll take him!”

Being the runt of his litter, Cathy and her family spoiled Toby rotten. Holly was the eldest so I’m sure she didn’t get the same amount of attention. Yet, as she grew older, she would try her damnedest to endure herself to everyone. She became quite adept in body checking Toby out of the way of someone’s possible affection.

As Toby grew up, he continued to assert his masculinity as a ferocious guard dog. The Chou chromosomes probably helped in this department. When they moved into Idle Acres, he usually stayed in the backyard, lurking under the deck and growling at any and all that approached. One friend of ours got really scared thinking we had a feral dog or cougar tied up under the darkness of the balcony.  “No, that’s just Toby The Troll, Keeper Of The Bones.” His sister would frequently find remnants of deer in the bush and bring them back for Toby to guard them. 

When we moved to Idyll Acre, Toby immediately established his observation post in our front yard, under the shade of some spruce trees. His reputation quickly spread amongst the locals that walk along the road in front of our house, that “his bark was worse than his bite”. They learned to carry some dog biscuits in their pockets to pay their toll fee to Toby, The Toll Booth Terror. Of course, Holly also had to partake of the tithe being offered.

Toby developed a lump on his right chest a year ago that started to hang down. This led to inevitable jokes about his one big ‘cojone’, as he was neutered as a pup.  We had a vet check it and he confirmed our thoughts that if it was removed it would probably cause a quick spread of cancer.

Toby recently developed another lump which progressed quite quickly to the obvious detriment of his overall health and well-being.

We will miss your singing, Toby.  The neighbours just might, too.

Feb. 17, 2012, Idyll Acre

Will Perry (Canada)

To read about Toby and his sister, Holly when they first got to know Will, click here:

Dogs Come when Called

"Dogs come when called. Cats take a message and get back to you."

"Of course, every cat is really the most beautiful woman in the room."

Edward Verrall Luca (essayist)

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