New figures released by Cats Protection show that neutering the nation’s cats costs millions of pounds, bringing to light the full extent of the UK’s cat population problem.

Revealed: The true cost of keeping the cat population down

HannaThe charity had to spend a staggering £5.6m last year neutering over 176,000 owned, stray and feral cats across the UK - that’s one every three minutes.

However, the charity is warning this is not a long term fix and says the only way to ensure the population is brought under control is for owners to get their cats neutered earlier to prevent unwanted litters of kittens. 

Ian MacFarlaine, Cats Protection’s Neutering Manager explained: “Cats are such prolific breeders that if we didn’t neuter them, we would have a population explosion that would end up with sick, stray and abandoned cats roaming the streets. As a nation of animal lovers, I don’t think anyone would find this acceptable.

“But we need help to get the cat population under control. Our research tells us that 94 per cent of cat owners don’t realise that cats can get pregnant as early as four months so we are working with the veterinary profession and the public to encourage cat neutering around four months of age, which is a significant move away from the traditional six months.” 


Jan_LeemingTV presenter and newsreader Jan Leeming, who owns a cat called Tamby, supports Cats Protection’s neutering work. She said: “I was surprised to learn that a female cat can get pregnant as early as four months. It appears we are leaving neutering too late and missing a golden opportunity to reduce the numbers of unwanted kittens that are dumped and left to fend for themselves, or given to charities like Cats Protection who already have their hands full. I’d urge owners to get their cats neutered earlier.”

 Ian agreed: “Ensuring cats are neutered earlier will prevent those surprise litters of kittens that most owners are unprepared for – and then have to hand over to animal welfare organisations, perpetuating the unwanted cat problem. Early neutering is proven to be safe and effective and avoids many of the potential complications of neutering later in life.”

In May of this year, a black cat called Hanna was handed to Cats Protection’s National Cat Adoption Centre. She had become pregnant at four months of age and her owner was unable to look after her anymore. Hanna later gave birth to three kittens, and fortunately Hanna and two of her kittens have since been found new homes.   

Cats Protection has set up a register of vets that are helping the charity deliver its early neutering goal. Owners can log on to to find the nearest veterinary practice participating in the scheme.

To seek advice on neutering or to request financial assistance to get your cat neutered if you are on a limited income, please call Cats Protection’s national Helpline on 03000 12 12 12 or log on to

Cats Protection has produced a cartoon on sex education for cats - click here to see it


A Cats Purr

"Cats make one of the most satisfying sounds in the world: they purr ...

A purring cat is a form of high praise, like a gold star on a test paper. It is reinforcement of something we would all like to believe about ourselves - that we are nice."

Roger A Caras

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