I have four fur children - Mr. Beau and Vesper are the two old men. Mr. Beau is my gray baby and Vesper is my feral baby at 13 yrs. of age.
Then came Gulliver Girl, commonly called Lil Girl.
She was one of 6 that I bottle fed and raised from age 10 days. This is Lil Girl 8 years ago as a kitten.
This is Lil Girl now!
And finally my Torti that was adopted full of Tortitude! She is now 5.
The Christmas Elves!!
And here is their cousin who thinks he is a cat. LOL
And that's my family!! I would have more if I could but townhouse rules say only "one" animal per unit.
Oh well !!
Cheers, Luana
A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.
Janet F Faure