Cat Chat

Garfield and Ricky deep in conversation ...

This is the section where you can read all about other people's cats and the things they get up to - whether they've done hilarious things, naughty things or downright plain old boring things - with cats - life is always an adventure!

Display # 
Title Published Date Author
BlackJack 01 December 2003 Written by Denise Bisaillon
Black cat revisited 09 November 2003 Written by Bill and Tricia Hopkins
George: the saga of a Needham Porch Cat 03 November 2003 Written by Margaret
Boo 24 October 2003 Written by Barbeejo Friess
The story of Clara - the cross-eyed cat 15 October 2003 Written by Judith Murphy
Happy endings 14 August 2003 Written by Sabrina Ralston
Bailey - part 1 29 July 2003 Written by Susan Campbell
The shape of cats to come 30 June 2003 Written by Julie Lewis
Bucko - a cat with many talents 01 March 2003 Written by Annette Delanghe
Tootsie's nightly tea party 11 September 2002 Written by Lee Simonson

The Very Best Toy for Cats

"Of all the [cat] toys available, none is better designed than the owner himself. A large multipurpose plaything, its parts can be made to move in almost any direction. It comes completely assembled, and it makes a noise when you jump on it."

Stephen Baker

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