Congratulations To My Friend Pauline Dewberry On 20 Years of Her Truly Marvellous Cat Website - The Daily Mews!
I have been a cat lover my entire life and a cat writer for many years. When I first discovered Pauline's Cat Website - 'The Daily Mews, Featuring All Things Feline' -nearly 20 years ago, I soon decided to send her one of my stories entitled 'The Christmas Cat.' It was the story of a tiny kitten that I had given to my future spouse for Christmas. She immediately fell in love with this tiny white furball; she named him 'Henry' after my father; and Rebecca and I soon married.
Pauline very graciously accepted this story and she immediately featured it on her website. And since that first story submission nearly 20 years ago, The Daily Mews has very graciously published over 50 of my cat stories, poems, and articles, including my 'Katrina Pet Rescue Journals' which I penned about my experiences rescuing left behind pets down on America's Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
I also adopted and brought home an abandoned Katrina Cat, who I named 'Flower' and my wife loved our Little Flower as much as she had loved our very first cat together.
Since Hurricane Katrina, Rebecca and I have moved three times, and we have taken in numerous cats, from tiny newborn feral kittens to elderly abandoned cats in need of a new home, and we have loved and cared for them all. And The Daily Mews has graciously published many of their stories as well.
Pauline even published an article on her website which I wrote entitled 'The Joys of Re-Locating With Numerous Cats and Dogs' about our latest move from the big city to the countryside, with all of our many rescued pets in tow. That was quite a journey for all of us, but unlike so many people in these truly horrific days for pets, Rebecca and I would never leave any of our precious pets behind.
Felines in need have always somehow found me wherever I have lived, and our latest rescued cat is a gorgeous tiny grey tabby, who was living all alone in the woods near our new home. She very nervously marched right up to our door one day last year, searching for a little food, a little love, and a little kindness. Rebecca immediately named her 'Little Cheryl' and this tiny feline sweetheart is now a true joy to both of us.
Thanks to Pauline's marvellous website, I have been able to feature many of the cats that Rebecca and I have rescued, and taken in, and loved, over the last 20 years, from Little Henry to Little Flower to Little Cheryl, and so many of our other marvellous felines in between,
Thank You So Very Much Pauline, For Including Both Me and My Cat Stories, Poems, and Articles On Your Marvellous Cat Website, and My Congratulations Once Again, On Your 20 Fantastic Years of The Daily Mews!
Ed Kostro
"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy.
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"
Shona Steele (Australia)