What do you think is going on here?  

Send your captions - no more than five please, to p.dewberry@ntlworld.com

by 20th September

Andrew Lane, Southampton, UK

"OK, after this we'll see how far the loo roll will go, and then destroy the kitchen towel!"

"If you pay a supplement you can move into the hanky drawer." WINNING ENTRY!!

"Oh, I agree - the ones with menthol clear the sinuses wonderfully, but can make you a little sore 'down there'!"

"Yes, Mansize Ultrasoft definitely make the best beds, but I do like the occasional nap on anti-viral.  For my health, you understand!"

Jared Kline, Belgium

"Mine is too short.  Where did you get yours?" 

Kitty Chappel, US

"Sure --- it’s steady here on the deck, but how do we know it’ll float?"

"Why don’t you wanna hold hands?"

"It’s a sauna box . . . have to wait for the sun to come out to heat up."

"If this is a boxcar, where is the train?"

"Our beds might be softer if you’d left some of the tissue in."

Becky Slater, US

Auntie Pauline sent our a-mewsing twin beds to us from the UK.........

Jody Tucker, US

"That's how I like it.  With you right beside me I feel safe".

Jamaka US

"Gentlekittens, start your engines!"

"Does yours come equipped with GPS?"

"Wanna take 'em out on the I-5 and see what they'll do?"

"Race ya to Petco!"

"I've got Tiger Paws.  What tyres/tires do you have?"


In the Middle of a World...

"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."

Roseanne Anderson

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