As a pet owner, the worst time to start looking for a pet hospital is when your pet is ill and desperately needs one.
For this reason, we recommend that you do some due diligence to stave off any unfortunate experiences. We’ve created the following questionnaire to accompany you on the quest for the best animal hospital.
1. Policy and Philosophy
When you begin to do your research, consider the following:
● TelephonePolicy: Do they have one? A good pet hospital will have staff on hand ready and able to answer questions over the phone.
● EmergencyResponse Policy: What procedures are in place in case of an emergency? If something happens to your pet, you need to know that you can arrange for an immediate visit.
● SchedulingPolicy: How long does it take to schedule a routine appointment? The standard should be anything from a couple of days to a week at the most. Anything more than that might not be a good fit for you or your pet.
● PaymentMethods: How can you pay for their services? Do they take the payment methods that you have?
● SpecialistNetwork: Does the pet hospital have a network of dedicated specialists
● Location: The location of a pet hospital becomes of grave importance if and when an emergency occurs. You never want to drive longer than you need to.
3. Who Are The Vets?
See if you can schedule an appointment so that you - and your pet - can meet with the vet staff. This will allow you to ask them about hospital practices. But more importantly, you can take some time to figure out if the hospital and vet are a right fit. You see, one of the most important aspects of the pet owner and veterinarian relationship is the ability to communicate effectively. Somebody that you can’t get along with is probably not going to be the best bet for the health and safety of your pet.
4. Reviews and Recommendations
Don’t pass up the opportunity to look at the reviews other clients have left online. While it can seem overwhelming, be on the lookout for any glaring red flags like negligence or bad customer service. As well, ask around for recommendations from your friends and coworkers. However, be sure that they feel the same way about their pets as you do!
It’s important to take into account the opinion of peers, neighbours, and community members. This is especially true if you’re a new pet owner or have just moved into the area. We recommend you try to reach out to long term pet owners. They will be more likely to give you a better overview of the strengths and weaknesses of a pet hospital or even recommend a veterinarian with a particular speciality.
5. Tour the Practice
Once you’ve narrowed down your choice of hospital, be sure to ask for a tour. We believe that all great pet hospitals will be proud and willing to show off their facility. When you’re visiting the place, keep the following questions in mind:
● Is it clean?
● Are the animals comfortable and safe?
● Is the equipment up-to-date?
● Are dogs and cats separated?
By keeping a mental log of the above, you will help guarantee better care for your pet.
The health of your pet is an incredibly important thing to look after. However, a veterinarian or pet hospital can’t do it alone. When you establish a good relationship with a great vet or hospital, you guarantee that your pet will get the treatment and attention it deserves, Not only that, you will both be able to live healthier and happier lives!
Do you have any further questions on what to look for in a pet hospital? Or maybe you have some recommendations you’d like to share with us?
Let us know in the comments!
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"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."
Roseanne Anderson