Colleen Brayack in California sent me this item called ‘NetPets’. If you need a vet can you can rely on, check out NetPets.Org (, the largest informational website for veterinarian referrals.
As if that isn't great news for Fido or Fluffy, for the past three years, NetPets has also been the leader in a foster care pilot programme for dogs, cats, birds, even horses and ferrets whose owners are military personnel. The site’s Military Pets Foster Project has been very successful, with over 5,000 animals placed in foster homes while their owners are on duty overseas.
Each potential foster home must have good references, a vet and compatible animals. “We don’t want to put a Chihuahua into a home with a Great Dane,” says the website’s founder, Steve Albin.
For more information or to become a NetPets foster parent, visit the website or call (843) 249-5262. To make a charitable donation -- 100% of your donation goes to the project -- go here:
The Military Pets Foster Project is recognized, recommended and endorsed by the U.S. Department of Defence.
"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."
Roseanne Anderson