Hi everyone and a very warm welcome is extended to all the newcomers who burst through the cat flap to land with a thud on the kitchen mat! You are most welcome!
I have to apologise for not managing to get an issue of the Scratching Post out mid-month. I went down with a triple infection which knocked me off my feet and despite round the clock nursing care from Casey, it was a full two weeks before I felt human again. And then last Monday I was assaulted in the car park of our local supermarket and I have been dealing with the police for the past week. The person was let off with a caution.
So here I am at last and Casey is overseeing things by sleeping on my desk – on the very paperwork I have my notes on for the update of the website!
Before we start can I ask a HUGE favour from you? As you know Dezi and Lexi are the two amazing service cats that take care of their Mommy Audra. Some time ago, Audra’s apartment was flooded by the person who lived above her and a lot of her furniture was ruined. For months now, Audra has been sitting on the floor because her chair was ruined by the flood. Some caring folk from the Internet have got together and set up a special fund for people to donate and hopefully, it won’t be long before Audra, Dezi and Lexi are once again sitting in a comfortable chair instead of having to sit on the floor. Audra has to use a wheelchair so it isn’t right that a person with serious health issues is forced to live like this. I know times are hard but every little helps and I know Audra, Dezi and Lexi will be extremely grateful. Here’s the link:
On the Home Page there is an in-depth article about declawing – please read it. Go to www.thedailymews.comand scroll down; it’s just under my story about Casey.
DEZI and LEXI– Amazing service cats:
Here’s Dezi’s experience of wearing ‘soft’ claws:
One thing that Audra – Dezi and Lexi’s Mommy – mentioned in a recent blog post was that we often give pills to our pets without water. You know, that set me thinking. Thanks to the leukaemia I have to take a lot of pills and I couldn’t take any of them without water to wash them down, but how many of us force a pill down the throats of our cats or dogs? And expect them to swallow it. Yes, I know some of you disguise the pill in bacon (for dogs) or cream cheese for cats, but Audra included a link to Dr Marty Becker’s page where he discusses giving pets’ pills.
BOOK QUIZ: Answers and winner in the next issue of the Scratching Post.
CAPTION COMPETITION: Captions and winning entry will be given in the next issue of the Scratching Post.
Don’t forget the Christmas story/poem competition. You have until November 25th to send me your entries – click on the link for more details:
Christmas story/poem competition 2014
The Norwegian Forest Cat has often been confused with the Maine Coon. Here’s an article which should help to sort out the differences:
I meet some wonderful people on Twitter and Facebook and one special lady, Efthimia, has written about life for the street cats of Crete.
It’s a hard life for the street cats on Crete
CAT QUESTIONS FOR SQUIRT:(formerly Whiskers, worries and woes)
Last month, Denver from Devon (UK) wrote to Uncle Squirt asking for advice about how he could manage with a ‘lampshade’ on. This is Denver’s update on the situation:
Managing lampshades, pills and bullies (Part 2)
The concluding part of this ‘saga’ with a final update from Denver and Squirt’s reply:
Managing lampshades, pills and bullies (Part 3)
Check out Squirt’s natty beret. He is a member of the #WLF (Whiskers Liberation Front) which is on Twitter.
John Grafton’s last story about Wild Bill Hickok and his cat has marked a change of pace in John’s writing. Moving into fiction now his latest story will keep you on the edge of your seat:
The latest piece from Jimmy’s protégée, Holly (Hol) is a thoughtful and insightful look at ‘the vet within.’
Well, chapter two of Teddie Tumpkins will have you holding your breath to see what happens next. The amazing illustrations are by Frances Gillotti.
Over the years that I’ve known him, Ed has rescued dozens of cats and dogs that have been left behind, neglected, abused, or thrown out with the trash. Louie was one such cat that over time, Ed got to know and when Louie trusted him, Ed took him into his home and heart.
Sadly, at the end of last month, Louie went to Rainbow Bridge.
Here is Ed’s beautiful tribute to him:
Ed has also written a poem dedicated to Louie on his Authors Den website:
Casey has been an only cat for nine months now. I’ve been watching him to see if he’s lonely.
And that about wraps it up for now. The Scratching Post should be with you in a couple of weeks’ time.
Take care and if you have any feedback, good, bad or indifferent, do send them to p.dewberry@ntlworld.com
Purr-filled blessings
Pauline – editor in chief
Casey – relieved the rotund ginger cat is not moving in
"Dogs come when called. Cats take a message and get back to you."
"Of course, every cat is really the most beautiful woman in the room."
Edward Verrall Luca (essayist)