Hi Everyone and a huge warm welcome to all of you who braved the snowstorms and blizzards to rest by our fire to toast your paws and tootsies.

This is our Valentine issue and I hope you’re all feeling the lurrve from your kitties that share your lives.


The ‘new look’ for the website is now 2 years old – can you believe how quickly the time has flown? So, if you don’t mind, I’d like to make a request for a one-off ‘love’ donation to help out with the cost of hosting the website and the sending out of the Mewsletter and Scratching Post.  If everyone who subscribed sent just one dollar or one pound, I wouldn’t have to ask again for several years. But I’ll leave that with you and just ask that you send whatever you can – all will be gratefully accepted.

You can make safe payments via PayPal and the email address you’ll need is p.dewberry@ntlworld.com. I don’t need to know any other private or personal details and your bank details are completely safe with PayPal.

Thank you in advance.

Check out the HAPPY CAT DANCE on the Home Page – it’s what cats do when we’re not looking!

Also on the Home Page under a section called ‘Cat Calls – What’s New Pussycat’ you’ll see the latest items that have been added to the website.

On with the MEWS:


Ellen Pilch continues to expand her feline family and this months she introduces us to Lucy, who was named after Lucille Ball (I love Lucy).

Part 3 - Lucy


Dezi and Lexi have written a lovely article this month, celebrating Valentine’s Day and what it means to be and to know love:

What is love?


Bilbo sings with the chickens but encounters cat flap worries.  Can you help him? Read his column then write to me: p.dewberry@ntlworld.com.

Cat flap woes …


Last month’s book quiz was won by Jared Kline who was the first with all the correct answers – well done, Jared, a prize is on its way to you.

For this month’s quiz, please click here:

Book Quiz


Debbie Spencer, who wrote last month’s piece about the three little one-day old kittens she rescued from a rubbish container, has written a paperback about their adventures.  It is perfect for young readers and parents/grandparents to read to their children.

Monty and his amazing adventures


Well done to Andrew Lane, for his winning caption.  He really is very good at this sort of thing – I can never think of anything witty enough. To see the entries, plus Andrew’s winning entry please click on the link:

Caption competition 46

Right, let’s see what you can do with this month’s picture which is just ripe for a good old caption.

Caption competition 47


There have been one or two changes lately and Casey isn’t too happy about them. Sooty – the white cat – has been in the house to do a survey and George the Rotund seems to have taken up permanent residence.

There are changes a-paw

Casey has been watching me trying to declutter various rooms in my house.  I wonder what he makes of it all.  Read his ‘chats’ to see…



Ed is the go-to guy when dogs or cats need to be rescued. With infinite patience and bucket loads of love, he perseveres in his rescue operations until the stray has been caught, taken to the vets for the once-over, shots, neutering/spaying if needed, then many are taken into his own home. If there is no room at the ‘inn’ he ensures a good, loving home is found.

This next story is just one such story with a happy ending. 

The dog at the drive-thru window


Part two of Hol and Daisy’s Christmas story is here.  Was it all a dream? Did Biskit have rather too much cat nip? These questions are answered in this thrilling conclusion to –

Just good friends, an Unexpected Tail, Part 2


If kitties went clubbing, this might be what they get up to: (thanks to Susanne for the link)




First, let me say that Squirt’s wonderful book, ‘Reservoir Cats’ is free again for five days 18th to 22nd of this month (February) so if you haven’t already bought a copy, now is your chance to have it for free! Can it get any better than that? Click on the link:  


Squirt has been evaluating his life since we last heard from him and his latest piece can be found here:

You can’t get the staff …


Toff Cat gives us a glimpse into a world of ‘how the other half live’ in this hilarious episode:

Chulls and his wife Cami-Knickers Park Your Bowler Hat from The Douche of Cordwalls

And that about sums it up for now.  As I’m writing this George the Rotund is stretched out on my desk. Twice he has rolled over and rolled right off the edge to land with a thump on the carpet.  He gets straight back up again and came to me for a cuddle; I think his ego was slightly bruised.

Anyway, until the next update, keep warm and safe.

With love


Pauline: Editor in Chief

Casey: Whose space and bed are being invaded by outsiders

George the Rotund: Who makes writing almost impossible because he lies all over my paperwork

Eric: Reclining in Casey’s bed and conducting a survey of the property with a view to taking up permanent residence



















A Cats Prayer

Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.