Hi there and a huge warm welcome to all the new subscribers.
First of all, it looks as if Spring has finally got the memo and decided to turn up. A bit tardy and underdressed, but she’s here at last. Hope your winter weather is giving way to Spring and there’s some warmth in your days. Although the weather report today said that where Squirt comes from there is snow!
Those fantastic folk at The Cat Gallery, Yorkshire, UK, sent Casey and Gibbs a box full of surprises the other day. You’ll see their reviews a bit further down in this Mewsletter. But good news to impart: Daily Mews subscribers from ALL OVER THE WORLD can get a 10% discount off their wonderful feline products; quote TDM10 when you order. This offer lasts till the end of May so don’t miss out. Go to: www.thecatgallery.co.uk. And don’t forget to quote TDM10 at the check-out or when asked.
Cat Sponsors Needed:
Fundraiser World Animal Friends is appealing for donors to Zenka Cat Shelter, based in Pancevo, Serbia. The shelter was founded 16 years ago by Ljubica Landeka, who self-funded the enterprise until she retired on a small pension – resulting in little money for the cats’ care. The situation was noted by World Animal Friends, who set up a sponsorship scheme to help the 70 rescued cats housed at the shelter. Monthly food bills alone cost £400, with cat litter, vaccinations, neutering and medical treatment soon boosting the total.
Sponsoring a Zenka cat costs just £6.00 a month – visit http://worldanimals.wix.com/zenkashelter to sign up.
I wasn’t able to set up a poll for the cats’ ages and I can’t ask my tech guy because he’s dealing with a serious illness at the moment. But one person – Jamaka in the US – did write to let me know that her youngest cat, Suha, is 11 and her eldest cat, Rani was 19 on the 6th April. Do we have any advance on 19??
It’s been a while since we’ve had an amazing cat highlighted and this month I’m very privileged to feature Zee, a cat that lives in Portland, Oregon, who was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease nearly two years ago – and she is now in remission.
How Zee conquered Chronic Kidney Disease
Ed is a tireless advocate for animal welfare and regularly trawls the streets where he lives in Chicago rounding up waifs and strays that have been abandoned to fend for themselves. Recently his dog Highway found four little kittens in their outdoor kennel. Read Ed’s heart lifting story here:
Last May Jem went to Rome and while there, he found a cat sanctuary in the ruins. Against the odds, and despite attempts to have it shut down, the Torre Argentina is doing its best for the 160 or so cats in its care.
If you’d like to donate, click on the website address at the bottom of Jem’s article or contact them using the email address also at the bottom of the article.
I hope you’re enjoying the question and answer column between young Gabion and the wise Zen master, Squirt from Scotland. Here’s the latest article where Gabe’s wants to know about Birthdays and Squirt gives his sage reply.
Some of you, when you acknowledge your subscription details, write and tell me about your cats. Luana from California is one such subscriber.
Congratulations to Adriana Huilar in the US for getting the most answers correct in the last book quiz. To see the answers, please click here:
For this month’s book quiz, please click here:
Congratulations to Dale in the US whose caption won the last Caption Competition – a full list of captions can be seen here on this link:
See what you can come up with for this month’s caption comp.
As with the book quiz, please send your answers/entries to pauline@thedailymews.comby 20th May 2016. Thank you.
My Home Page Message can be found – surprisingly enough on the Home Page! Just go to www.thedailymews.comand scroll down a little bit!
How did you come by your kittens? Did you stumble into kitten parenthood by accident because ‘well-meaning’ family members and/or friends coerced you into having one or two? Or did you plan first, gathering all the bits and pieces you need to welcome home a kitten into your life, and then go and get the kitten? Whichever you did it, or do it, there are some things that you need to have in place to make sure that bringing home a kitten or two will be a smooth operation.
Here’s the first in a series of articles on kitten care.
Cats are very clever as we all know and some like to show off their skill and prowess to the camera. This very short video link will show you Logan, a very clever cat indeed.
This is funny – a chain reaction:
This is so cute. A little kitten standing up on his back legs to welcome his owner home.
Bilbo has a conundrum this time around: what to get his Mum for Mother’s Day. See what ideas he comes up with:
Casey’s got some exciting news to impart:
Gibbs loses them dangly things and other good news
Dumpty spends a lot of time looking out of the patio doors onto a garden which sees a number of different dinner guests in this brief series.
Fine dining at Tom Cat Towers for garden guests
Next she talks about her blackbirds and other visitors that fly in to the garden.
Blackbirds and inflight dining
And then there is Cuthbert – the critic and mystery diner
Indy is updating us on his 10 ten goals for weight loss from last month. He’s certainly been trying hard.
Update on my top 10 weight loss goals for spring
Moet lives with her ‘sisfurs’, Luna and Lily, so imagine how they must have felt when Cosmo joined them.
After the phenomenal success of Squirt’s last article ‘What is an anipal?’ he writes this month about his first love: tractors and farm machinery:
Tractors are cool – or Confessions of a Diesel Head
Many of us that have cats in our lives are fortunate enough to be loved perhaps by one special character that shines above all the other cats in our lives. If we’re lucky, we can know this love a few times over. Sometimes, though, that one special outstanding love is never to be repeated and we don’t want it to be, in case the new love surpasses the ‘old’.
For anyone who has loved and been loved by a cat, it is a beautiful experience because cats are known for their infidelity and their aloofness. To have known and been known by such a creature is surely a blessing from God himself.
Pookie was one such cat; and his human, Aoife, has written a most beautiful tribute to a very fine and adventurous spirit.
It is with a sad heart that I let you know that Ellen (15 Cats and Meowing) has lost another beloved cat – Spooky – recently. That’s three cats in a very short space of time. Our hearts and prayers go out to her, her husband and their remaining cats.
Casey and Gibbs recently received a box full of treats from www.thecatgallery.co.uk Here’s their review of their new toys and treats.
Toys and Treats from the Cat Gallery
Don’t forget to claim your 10% of your first order; go to the website and quote TDM10 NOW!!! You have until the end of May so please don’t miss out on this generous offer from Peter and his lovely cat Ethel.
And that just about wraps it up for this month. Take care and enjoy the warmer weather – sorry Squirt in Scotland!
Until next time
Love Pauline, Editor-in-Chief
Casey – Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief and getting used to be being an older brother to Gibbs
Gibbs – ‘I know I had them here somewhere. I’m sure they’ll turn up soon!’
"Dogs come when called. Cats take a message and get back to you."
"Of course, every cat is really the most beautiful woman in the room."
Edward Verrall Luca (essayist)