Hi everyone and a very warm welcome to all the new subscribers who joined us this month.  If there are any squiggly things going on with the text in this Mewsletter, it’s because Gibbs has joined me on the desk and keeps putting his paw on the keyboard.  So I apologise in advance!  In the previous Mewsletter, I gave the links to the Invictus Games and the choir which Gareth Malone created.  The links didn’t work outside of the UK (I didn’t know that, I’m sorry!) but Jim Willis in the US kindly found me the links and here they are:

Episode One:


and Episode Two:


The link for the actual song – Flesh and Blood - (which I’ve just listened to again and I’m in tears again) is here:


If this link doesn’t work, try looking up ‘Flesh and Blood’ by Invictus 2016 choir or something along those lines and hopefully you’ll get it.

I’m sorry this Mewsletter is a tad later than the usual end of the month issue.  My back has been in spasm a couple of times and I couldn’t move.  To sit on the computer just about killed me so I’m afraid I had to just park my butt on the sofa, piled with cushions behind me and winced every time I moved.  I hope you enjoy this issue.



The homepage message this time is about the bravery of cats.  Go to www.thedailymews.com and scroll down a little way; you’ll see the message headed up: ‘Cats are brave aren’t they?’



I can’t begin to imagine the pain of loss that Ellen and her husband went through when they lost three of their beloved cats in recent months.  Ellen has written about each cat in her latest article:

Grief times three


Although this is a cat website, I’m always very happy to publish stories about dogs because many of you do have cats and dogs living happily together.  James Colasanti Jr is a particular favourite of mine and his stories are always full of love and wisdom.  This story was written as a tribute to his own father for Father’s Day last month.  You will love it – even if you’re not a dog person.

Learning Life


Last month I wrote about June being a month of celebration.  This month it’s been vastly different.

Dare to dream


Dezi has some great news to tell you.  I won’t spoil her surprise – you can read it here:

Welcome to your forever home


The next article in this new series of kitten care is about socialisation, which is very important to ensure your kitten is a bold, inquisitive little chap, and not a scaredy-cat.

Socialising your kitten



June’s book quiz was won by Dana Beaton who lives in Denmark.  Well done, Dana.  For the answers to that quiz click on this link:

Book Quiz June

For this month’s book quiz, please click on this link. 

Book Quiz July

Send your answers to pauline@thedailymews.com by 20th August. 


Last month’s caption (of Casey doing his best DJ impression) was won by Mark O’Dwyer, on behalf of Mawson Bear, in Western Australia.  Well done, Mawson/Mark – you were up against some very stiff competition.

To see all the entries, please click here:

Caption Competition 58

For this month’s new caption competition, please click here:

Caption Competition 59

As with the Book Quiz, please send your captions – no more than 5 please – to pauline@thedailymews.com  by 20th August. Thank you.

If you have good clear photos of your own cats (with or without another pet in the picture) that you think would make a great idea for the caption competition, please send them to me at the usual address.   I am running out of ideas and there are only so many pictures of Casey and Gibbs asleep in some receptacle or other which might make a reasonable competition entry.  So come on – get them pictures out and send them to me.


Moet’s Mum, Emily, who lives in Oman, and has her own column here on the Daily Mews, is part of a team of volunteers who try to help cats in need of veterinary treatment, etc, out of their own pockets.  There is a Go Fund Me page where you can make vital donations to help.


Here’s a wonderful short video of a girl meeting up with two gorillas that she’d known when she was a baby:

Girl meets gorillas after 12 years

A bit belated for Father’s Day, is a clever compilation of short videos celebrating cats with their Human Dads:




Casey has had a busy time of things since he last wrote his ‘chats’.  In fact, he had so much to say, he’s written two ‘chats’ this month.

I need a lie down

I’ve had another birthday


Dumpty’s piece this month is about packed lunches – mice!

Mice – packed lunch


Indy is still struggling to get over the death of his brother, but we know that time is a great healer.  He has put paw to keyboard to remind us humans that we need to be vigilant during the summer weather.  Here are his tips:

Indy’s 10 top tips for keeping cool this summer


It’s good to hear from Moet again and this month she regales us with when she’s been a model.

Times as a cat-meowdel


It’s good to have a Scribbling from Squirt this month.  His Staff and Manstaff are both very busy people and he’s not allowed on the computer by himself or he’d be ordering up all sorts from the local takeaway restaurant. Here’s this latest Scribblings which I know you’ll enjoy.

That was the week that was


Casey and Gibbs received a nice surprise in the post a week or so back.  They were pleased to find another box from Perfect Box – read their review here:

Another surprise from Perfect Box

Daily Mews subscribers can have a 25% discount if you quote: ukb3gut7 at the check-out. Go to www.perfect-box.co.uk for more information.

A while back Casey and Gibbs received a box of surprise goodies from Peter and Alison, and Ethel, the cat, who are at www.thecatgallery.co.uk . One of the items was a DVD for cats but because I’d lost the remote control to the blu ray I wasn’t able to show it to them until recently.

Here’s their review:

Feline Frolics: TV fun for your furry friend

And that just about wraps it up for this month.  The next Mewsletter should be with you by the end of August and I hope to get back on track again.  I’m taking a short break while I catch up with all the writing projects and other things that took a back seat while my back was in spasm.  I might, if I get time, put out a Scratching Post towards the beginning of August, but don’t worry if you don’t hear from me.

As always, your feedback is very welcome: good, bad or indifferent and if you like something that one of the amazing writers for The Daily Mews has written, let me know and I’ll pass on your comments.

Stay safe in the sun.  Remember, light coloured kitties need to have sunblock on the tips of their ears, and their noses as they can burn.  And they can and do get skin cancer, losing their ears and noses as a result.

Take care, till the next time.


Pauline: Editor in Chief

Casey: Assistant to the Editor in Chief and Unbiased Tester of Cat Things

Gibbs: Assistant to the Assistant to the Editor in Chief and also Unbiased Tester of Cat Things with a Preference for Edible Objects


One Cat is Company

"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy. 
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"

Shona Steele (Australia)