Hi everyone, and a very warm welcome to the newcomers who hurled themselves through the cat flap to escape the madness of Storm Angus, Black Friday, Green Sunday, Cyber Monday and Weird Tuesday. Those that celebrated Thanksgiving are patting their bellies and burping (and possibly other noises as well!) and Christmas is just inches away! Where has this year gone to? Casey is looking at me as if I’ve done something with the months and Gibbs just lies in his bed (which was Casey’s bed) all day, moaning that the sunshine has gone and he hasn’t got anything to do with his life. It’s all pointless and he can’t go on.
Funnily enough, Indy, our weight loss feline hero, has written about depression in cats and you can see the link for his article further down this page. But cats DO get depression. Perhaps all the rushing about of the humans in their lives; especially now at Thanksgiving and Christmas when most people are racing from one part of the day to the next, gathering up things and visitors come and upset the balance of things. Cats are creatures that like their routines to be stable. So do watch out for them to be out of sorts.
How do you give your cats their medication? With dogs, it’s fairly easy; wrap the pill in a piece of bacon and give it to them as a treat and they’ll eat it without a fuss. But with cats, it’s a very tricky business. I can remember when Billy was having medication for his hyperthyroidism. I’d cuddle him, (to lull him into a false sense of security); pop the pill in his mouth, massage his throat to make the pill go down and release him. He would either spit the pill out the second he left my lap or I’d find it later behind the sofa, or under the table.
Linda Gavitt from the US wrote to me recently to tell me that Seamus, one of her cats, was needing medication every day and although he took his pills from her without any fuss or histrionics, she wondered if there was any other way. So, it’s up to you now: please write to pauline@thedailymews.com with all your cunning plans to get a pill down an unwilling cat’s throat.
In the UK for the past few months, someone has been killing cats. I won’t give the graphic details because they are too upsetting and I know that I have young subscribers and I don’t want to give them nightmares. Dubbed the M25 killer (the M25 being a motorway which can be the longest ‘car park’ in the UK!) cats are being killed on an almost daily basis. South Norwood Animal Rescue and Liberty (SNARL) is currently working with the police and the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) to find the killer.
If you have any information – however slight – or see anyone acting suspiciously around animals, please ring the police on 101 and quote Operation Takahe (why they would choose an unpronounceable name to say, I don’t know!)
In the meantime, alert your friends and family members living in the South East of the UK and advise them to keep their cats in every night if possible.
P.S. on this item: I’ve just heard this is a countrywide problem, not just around the M25, so please be alert.
Our very own Squirt, he of the Scribblings, and Catfucious fame, is artfully emblazoned across one of the pages of a 2017 calendar which you can buy. The proceeds will go to Sir Snowy’s Cat Sanctuary where homeless, abandoned, neglected and disabled kitties are given all the love and medical care they need, until they can find their forever home.
For more details of where to buy the calendar and the amazing work that Sir Snowy Projects carries out throughout the year, please click on the links below.
Website Gift Shop: http://bit.ly/1llMJ3P or
PayPal Direct Link: http://bit.ly/2faRiOZ
Also a link to the video thanking all the kitties who were Sir Snowy's inspirations:
Here’s what Sir Snowy says about the calendars: “It can be hung on the wall or placed on the desk for example. Each image is created like a work of art not some glossy photo. The frame can be reused for whatever the person wants after the calendar year is over. It's not huge 15"x25" but elegant and in keeping with the art work. And they come with a certificate of authenticity. The images don't have holes in them like on last year’s calendar. The price will probably be in the same ballpark as last year’s ($22 which includes production, shipping and donation), but the uniqueness of the calendar should sell it.
Our calendar helps us continue our work providing abandoned, abused, disabled, and homeless kitties with food, shelter and medical care which includes all the medicine and surgeries so many of our kitties need as most of them come to us sick or hurt and of course they receive lots of love and hugs. That's the immediate benefit. In the long term, your donations are helping us realise our new Sir Snowy Cat Sanctuary where kitties can live in dignity without fear in beautiful Indoor/Outdoor surrounding without cages and a state-of-the-art vet clinic on premises. Also, a community outreach centre to provide education on the care, feeding and above all, respect for animals we live with and special rooms where people can interact with our kitties looking for forever homes and experience the wonder and love from these wonder balls of fur.
Our tree has many branches and just as a tree needs water to grow our tree grows with your Tax Deductible donations either direct or through purchases like our Cattitude In Art Calendar at our gift shop. Be part of Sir Snowy's Dream Team and help us grow our tree to help so many others. “
The unique selling point of this calendar is that each picture is actually a painting of the cat taken from a photo. I should be able to give you a link at some point in early next year where you can submit photos of your own cats for consideration in the 2018 calendar.
London-based rescue centre The Mayhew Animal Home has seen an influx of cats and kittens, dumped by owners who say they are no longer able to keep their cats. The Mayhew is appealing for foster carers to help free us space at the centre for emergency welfare cases. If you are interested in fostering, or adopting, please contact the centre on: 020 8916 8000 or visit www.themayhew.org/get-involved/foster
And on the subject of ‘dumped cats’, Britain’s oldest rescue cat, Banjo, was found to be 27 years old when scanned for a microchip. The RSPCA are contacting the Guinness Book of World Records to see if he is the oldest rescue cat. You can read Banjo’s story here:
Here’s something to cheer you up if you need cheering, that is. Ethel the cat, and her human staff, Peter and Allison, at The Cat Gallery in York, UK, have told me that anice surprise awaits someone who subscribes to the Cat Gallery’s Newsletter.
Go to www.thecatgallery.co.ukand you’ll find the sign up is at the bottom of their Home Page. Ethel will pick a winner from all the sign ups that happen in the 72 hours after the Mewsletter has gone out. There is only one entry per person but be quick – this is a time-sensitive offer. The winner will get a £15 online voucher to use on any of the wonderful cat-themed products in the Gallery, either for themselves or their cats. I’m really sorry but this offer is limited to UK residents only.
Congratulations to Adriana Huilar in the US who was first with all the correct answers. Well done, Adriana and thank you for entering. Thank you also for flipping Bilbo’s picture for me last month!
A special book quiz will be included in the Christmas issue of the Mewsletter – coming soon!
Congratulations to Richard Cross in the US for submitting the winning entry to last month’s caption competition. Actually, it was a very hard choice as there were some really good entries. If you want to see all the entries, head over to:
Jared Kline in Belgium sent me a beautiful picture of his little tortoiseshell cat, Memere, which is an informal way of saying ‘Grandmother’. I loved it so much that I’ve chosen it for this month’s caption competition. See what you can conjure up this time. Please send your captions to pauline@thedailymews.com by December 15th . Thank you.
Casey and Gibbs have been overwhelmed by all the frantic activity that’s been going on at the Daily Mews Offices. Read what Casey has to say about it all here:
Dezi takes the time out to explain to Raena all about Thanksgiving. It’s a lesson for all of us.
Thanksgiving: a state of being
We’re nearing the end of Dumpty’s dinner dates and this month, we hear about a beautiful little black and white chap, called Spike.
And a ginger and white sweetie called Tigger:
A good number of you write to me with problems regarding allergic reactions in your cats. Here’s an article written by a vet that might give you more information than I can give.
Indy has been feeling down in the dumps since he lost his furbros and with help from his assistant, Rayna, he’s compiled some signs to look out for if you think your beloved feline might be depressed.
Signs that your kitty may be depressed
The home page message is a little different this month. With JK Rowlings’ film ‘Fantastic Beasts and where to find them’ now doing the rounds in the cinemas, Katie Ward contacted me with news of downloadable posters of other fantastic beasts. Do pop over to the homepage and have a look.
Would you have any idea of how much you might spend in your cat’s lifetime? No? Thought not. Here’s a thought-provoking article that will enlighten you.
Counting the cost of keeping cats
Chloë Holland was the editor of Your Cat magazine and she’s now left to begin life in PR. In the November issue of Your Cat magazine, she wrote her top 10 tips for keeping our kitties happy, healthy and safe this winter. Mel Hudson, editorial secretary, gave me permission to publish Chloë’s article on the dailymews website.
Robert Blau (US) sent me a link to a good article which is a timely reminder of how dangerous this time of year can be:
Top 10 holiday dangers for pets
This very short little video is so cute. Watch how a cat welcomes home his best canine buddy who’s been away for 10 days.
Loving cat can’t stop hugging his pal
Travellers at Denver airport were treated to a spectacular Flash Dance just before Thanksgiving. I love Flash Mobs and always burst into tears for some inexplicable reason (either dancing or singing). Hopefully this will make you smile on the inside as well as on the outside:
This little video is of a special little kitty who was ignored because of her face, until a little girl took her home and changed her life.
This is a funny little video of four young boys lip-synching to a Christmas Carol. Watch to the end.
Boys lip-synch Christmas carol
Poor Denver got himself into a nasty disagreement with some barbed wire and had to go to the vet. Not only did he have to wear a ‘kittygro’ but the dreaded COS (Cone of Shame), too.
Will the indignities never end …
When we lose a beloved pet, sometimes it helps us to grieve if we write stories, letters to them, or poems. Andrew de Burca Wyle lost two of his beautiful cats, Lucca and Leo, within a short while of each other and he found solace in remembering them through writing poetry.
Casey and Gibbs review a corrugated scratch board for cats which was free.
Free corrugated scratch board for cats
And that just about wraps it up for this month. The Christmas issue of the Mewsletter will be with you in the blink of an eye, giving details of all the lovely Christmas stories that the amazing team of writers at The Daily Mews will write, plus the Book Quiz and Caption Competition. Can you afford to miss it??
Take care, keep warm and safe.
Love Pauline, Editor in Chief
Casey – Right Pawed Assistant to the Editor in Chief
Gibbs – Right Pawed Assistant to the Right Pawed Assistant to the Editor in Chief
A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.
Janet F Faure