Hi there and a scritchy scratch between the ears and a tummy tickle to you all and a warm welcome to the new subscribers who arrived through the catflap in recent days.   

A big mega ‘thank you’ to those of you who have donated since the last Mewsletter went out. Your names are in the Hall of Fame, well, Friends of the Mewsers, and Sam, Ollie and I are very grateful. Thank you. I didn’t mention Casey in our thanks because being a newcomer he is unaware yet of the goings on in the Daily Mews office. I’m sure Sam and Ollie will put him straight before too long.

Thank you to Helen and Mischa who sent Casey a lovely blue catnip mouse to welcome him into the family. Helen and Mischa had already sent Sam and Ollie knitted catnip mice that her friend Joy makes and so that Casey wouldn’t feel left out, they very kindly sent one of Mischa’s ‘spare’ catnip mice for him. 

I’m going to try something different this month. In this Mewsletter you’ll have the usual ‘chit chat’ plus links to all the articles on the website. Then in 2 weeks time I shall send out another Mewsletter which will have links that you send me and the Book Quiz and Caption Competition will be in that one too. I’m hoping, and perhaps some of you who find the Mewsletter too long, that this will shorten the main Mewsletter.

June is ‘Adopt a Cat’ month and Ed Kostro has written a wonderful poem which you can read on this link:


The results of the last poll were very disappointing. Only 11 cats were registered and 3 of those were mine! Either no one takes any notice which paw their cat prefers or they couldn’t be arsed to do the poll. It was only a bit of fun, with no hidden agendas. Oh well, you can’t say I didn’t try.

The poll about the cats’ ages showed that there were 5 entries in the over 20 section; I know of 2 so far so could the other 3 cats please make themselves known to me. I would like to interview the most senior of the cats and do a feature on them. Thank you.



Emma Milne (one of the vets from Vets in Practice) has written a piece about the Animal Welfare Foundation which you can read here:

The Animal Welfare Foundation

Emma is going to take part in a charity swim for the foundation, aiming to swim 300 lengths. If you’d like to sponsor her or donate some money, the links are at the end of the article.

Jill Robinson is the founder and CEO of Animals Asia Foundation which campaigns against the vile trade in bile farming, cat and dog welfare and the end of abusive animal practices in zoos and safari parks in China.

This is an overview of what this remarkable woman has achieved:

Jill Robinson

And this is a profile of the organisation she set up:

Animals Asia Foundation

Speaking of animal welfare, may I respectfully suggest you have a look at this link and then make up your own minds? I am supporting this project as are a huge number around the world:



Amazing cats come in all shapes and sizes and they do the most remarkable things as we’ve seen in the news or elsewhere in the media. Cats know when a person is broken inside needing the light paw of love to bring peace to one’s soul. Kev Brown has written a lovely piece about Isis who brought love back into his heart and his home:



John Grafton has written another hilarious account of the things his cat, Clancy, used to bring in through the catflap.

No more snakes, please!


Joe Inglis, another vet from Vets in Practice has written about the warning signs of heart disease:

Heart disease and spotting the signs

And on that itchy subject of fleas here’s another article Joe wrote:

Keep your cat flea free


The regular columnists have not disappointed us this month; each bringing his or her own news, views and opinions to regale the discerning Daily Mews Subscriber – enjoy!

It’s been just over 4 weeks since Dippi Duck passed away so suddenly and unexpectedly but it was always her dream and secret ambition to be published on the Daily Mews website. We are continuing with her stories to honour her dream and her memory: 

Dippi Duck’s Demon

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Dippi’s snooty house mate and companion to Willi Whiskas continues with her diary entries here:

Dumpty’s Diaries:

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Jimmy has written a very amusing account this month which made me laugh out loud:

Me and Ginger Tom

Stormy’s Food Bowl Attendants are both unwell again so we wish them well. Stormy writes about the freaky weather conditions she’s experienced recently:

Strange weather we’re having . . .


Helen Dowd posed the question last time about whether our pets go to heaven or not. Genine Wilkinson has written about her cat, Tabitha, and what happened just after she went to Rainbow Bridge.

How angels speak


Locked in my heart forever by Rosie Sorenson first appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle and Rosie kindly gave me permission to put it in the Napping on a Sunbeam section.

Locked in my heart forever


The latest news about Casey as he slowly gets accustomed of life at the Lazypaws Guesthouse for Discerning Felines aka the Daily Mews Mansion.

Casey finds his inner kitten

Cats Protection is in need of scraps of knitting wool to be knitted up into catnip mice so if anyone has any, please send it to:

Cats Protection, PO Box 658, Redhill, RH1 9AS

That’s it for now. The winners of the Book Quiz and Caption Competition will be revealed in the mid-month Mewsletter.

Enjoy the summer – and be safe.

Take care,


Pauline – Editor in Chief
Sam – Hearing Impaired Advisor and Chief Sub Editor
Ollie – Assistant to the Hearing Impaired Advisor and Junior Sub Editor
Casey – Junior Assistant to the Assistant to the Hearing Impaired Advisor and New Boy



A Cats Purr

"Cats make one of the most satisfying sounds in the world: they purr ...

A purring cat is a form of high praise, like a gold star on a test paper. It is reinforcement of something we would all like to believe about ourselves - that we are nice."

Roger A Caras

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