ANGEL CATS: Divine Messengers of Comfort by Allen and Linda Anderson is a beautifully crafted book containing individual anecdotes regarding the relationship between cats and their humans.

I loved this book purely and simply because it proved, what I’ve felt I’ve known all along, that cats ARE, indeed, furry angels and that their time here on this earth with us bumbling stupid humans, is time well spent. We humans are by far the richer for having cats in our lives than if we chose not to.

Many of the stories are from people who write to say how cats have saved their lives, or that their cat has taught them something valuable that they wouldn’t have otherwise learnt. Even if a cat’s time with its human family is short, there is always a lesson to be learned somewhere. I already had one of the stories in the AMAZING CATS section which is part of CAT CHAT on the website. You can read it here:


It just goes to prove that cats are intuitive and instinctive when it comes to knowing how we, their human slave, tick. Thank goodness they do know us better than we know ourselves – many of the cats in these stories have done amazing or incredible things.

One of my favourite anecdotes is called ‘The Man who got his purr back’. I have been graciously given permission to publish this excerpt on the website and you can reach it via the link at the end of this review.

At the end of each story is a Meditation Point. It’s worth reading and reflecting upon these because we humans are often in such a hurry to get through our day with all its schedules and routines that we forget the more important things in life.  These Meditation Points just rein us back gently and help us to focus on the purer, simpler ways of living. 

Allen and Linda Anderson have written several other books in their ‘Angel’ series and they have a wonderful website called: where you can sign up for their free weekly newsletter.

Published by New World Library ( in Novato, California, it’s available in paperback priced $12.95. The ISBN is: 1-57731-448-4 

Excerpt: The Man Who Got His Purr Back 


Dogs Come when Called

"Dogs come when called. Cats take a message and get back to you."

"Of course, every cat is really the most beautiful woman in the room."

Edward Verrall Luca (essayist)

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