You now have gone, and we remain
To walk the road alone,
We'll live in memories' garden
With happy days we've known.
In Spring we'll wait for roses red,
When faded, lilacs blue;
In early fall when brown leaves fall,
We'll catch a glimpse of you.
Now that you've gone, and we remain,
For battles to be fought,
Each thing you've touched along the way,
Will be a hallowed spot.
We'll hear your mew, we'll see your face,
Though blindly we may grope,
The memory of your gentle paws
Will buoy us on with hope.
Now that you're gone and we remain
One thing we'll have to do,
Walk slowly down that long, long path.
Someday we'll follow you.
We want to know each step you take
So we may take the same,
For someday down that lonely road
You'll hear us call your name:
Love Timmy, Mum, Billy, Sam, Ricky and Ollie
Treasured Friend
I lost a treasured friend today
The little cat that used to lay
His gentle head upon my knee
And share his silent thoughts with me...
He'll come no longer to my call
I’ll miss him walking down the hall.
Although my eyes are filled with tears,
I’m thankful for the happy years
that Garfield spent down here with me
And for his love and loyalty.
Forever, “Mum”
Our sympathy, love and prayers, as we know how you must be feeling.
Hart and Helen, Rocky, Casper, Keeper, Casey, Ezee, Scooter, and Sparky
© Helen Dowd (Canada)
"Cats make one of the most satisfying sounds in the world: they purr ...
A purring cat is a form of high praise, like a gold star on a test paper. It is reinforcement of something we would all like to believe about ourselves - that we are nice."
Roger A Caras