“I love cats because I love my home,
And little by little,
They become its visible soul.”
Jean Cocteau
I’ve lost my dear old friend
He was with me twenty years
Sadness fills my heart and soul
There may be no end to my tears
I will never forget the day that I first spotted him
He had materialized on my dog’s backyard grave
He was an extremely ragged newborn orange furball
Who taught me how to love again and how to be brave
I was alone and divorced living in the big city
I had lost the only thing I cared about - my dog
I was severely depressed and drinking heavily
My heart and soul tormented with a dark lonely fog
But from the moment that he raced into my apartment
He managed to take away my heartache and my grief
I’ve often thought that he was a furry angel sent by God
Who ended my torment – who brought me so much relief
He quickly taught me many things about the merits of cats
And he eagerly helped welcome more orphans into our home
He quickly became my devoted inspiring lap perching partner
As I now soon began penning animal stories, books, and poems
And each and every night for nearly the last twenty years
As I finally shut off all the house lights and went up to bed
He would very silently arrive right next to me on my pillow
And purr very soft soothing melodious lullabies into my head
He became very precious to my loving new spouse as well
As he got older our biggest dog Turbo became his guardian
Turbo would gently help him manoeuvre up and down stairs
And watch over him while he napped in the sun without end
Old age as it always does caught up with him a few days ago
My wife and I took turns comforting him as he now lay dying
The rest of our pets each solemnly visited him to say good-bye
As each of them kissed or nuzzled him we couldn’t stop crying
Our newest cat, Little Flower, from devastated New Orleans
Refused to leave his side when he recently became so very ill
She so lovingly snuggled on the bed with him kissing his neck
And so compassionately keeping him company in death’s chill
He was such a wondrous friend who helped turn my life around
He was such a very vital part of our ever expanding animal family
His departure has left such a terrible void in our once happy home
It will be a long time before this sombre house again fills with glee
And I know my depression would soon overwhelm me
If it weren’t for all of these other animals I now care for
Buddy truly encouraged me to be one of their advocates
He somehow implanted compassion deep within my core
But now there’s a huge hole in my heart
I will miss dear old Buddy for all my days
And I truly believe that he was Heaven sent
For he enriched my life in so very many ways
He truly was our expanding family’s very visible
And very loyal and very compassionate feline soul
And I knew that terrible agony would quickly arrive
When the day came that my wondrous friend had to go
We’ve now lost my very dear sage old friend
He was at my side for twenty wonderful years
Utter sadness consumes my heart and soul today
This page now splattered with my endless tears
Farewell, My Dear Old Friend, Farewell,
Deep Within My Soul, Your Spirit Will Dwell
Ed Kostro
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"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."
Roseanne Anderson