If we never say hello

We never say goodbye

If we never love at all

We never have to cry

But think how empty

Life would be

Without them

By your side

Remember all the love

You shared

And not the day they died

Her  magick spirit will remain

In memory and heart

I loved her from the day we met -

She loved me from the start

All good things

Must come to an end

Or so that saying goes

But when she left

She took my heart

Where now just sorrow grows

Only time can heal the pain

Of sudden loss and sorrow

The tears I cry today

May stop some far tomorrow

Grief is the price

We pay for love

The sorrow that we bear

But remember too

Our lives were blessed

Because our horse was there!


(C) 2008

Lady Cat Powers

RIP My 2 Beautiful Girls

Destiny + Ebony and Sweetums the beautiful feline spirit who shared her meows for 19  love filled years

More tributes to Sweetums


Forever and Beyond

Sweetums Farewell


One Cat is Company

"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy. 
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"

Shona Steele (Australia)

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