Dezi: Well meow Daily Mews. We took a little hiatus from writing last month to deal with some medical issues mommy’s been having. We still have a way to go before we’re finished, but hopefully, mommy’s able to help us keep up again. As most of you know, we’re Service Cats who help our mommy with daily tasks that allow her to live independently. That being said, Raena, who turns 1 year old this month, is still technically in training. Altho’, mommy says training is ongoing throughout our lives. Mommy says that nobody/kitty is ever too old to learn something. And even when mommy’s not feeling her best, training still has to happen. Raena’s current lessons are all about how to drive the electric wheelchair. So, after mommy’s recent surgery, Raena had a couple of lessons while mommy was all loopy on medications. If kitties ate popcorn, it would have been a great short movie.
Raena: Sissy? Are you making fun of me?
Dezi: No Raena, even tho’ that wouldn’t be hard to do, me is making fun of mommy.
Raena: That’s not very nice. Is it, sissy?
Dezi: It may not be very nice Raena, but it sure is fun. And, the best part is, that mommy doesn’t care. She knows how funny she can act while on those surgery meds. Me even had a few of those loopy training sessions when me was little. Me was just surprised at how willing you were to participate. After all, mommy did pet the air a few times thinking it was you. And yet, every time she called for you, you ran and jumped in her lap like everything was normal.
Raena: I’s loves mommy Dezi. I’s want to be with her, no matter how loopy or out of it she may be. Besides, you got to enjoy that whole bag of treats too. Mommy didn’t realize she gave us the whole bag for a few days.
Dezi: Yeah, those were some good treats Raena. Do you know what’s coming up soon?
Raena: What sissy? What’s coming up?
Dezi: Here in the U.S., Mother’s day is in May. And then it’ll be mommy’s birthday. We’re going to have to figure out something special to celebrate mommy’s special days. You know, we are so blest to have a loving mommy and furever home. Not all kitties are so lucky, so we need to come up with some way to tell mommy how much we love and appreciate her.
Raena: I agree sissy. How about we give her lots of extra massages? She really enjoys our massages.
Dezi: Yeah, she does Raena, but we need to do even more. Something that would tell all kitty mommies and daddies out there how much they’re appreciated. Not all kitties are trained to give their humans massages, but me knows they love their families just the same.
My Life Wouldn’t Be The Same
Without you, my life wouldn’t be the same.
Maybe you found me, looking starved and scroungy on the streets.
Maybe you found me hiding in a cage
At some shelter, that took me in.
Maybe you found me online
Being fostered by a caring human.
No matter how you found me…
You Did!!!
My life changed that day,
And so did yours.
I’m so happy you chose me.
Out of all the kitties in the world
You looked at me
And saw my inner beauty.
You saw passed my sad eyes,
My dingy fur and even my fear.
Now, I wait to hear your voice calling my name,
To feel your gentle caress on my clean shiny furs.
I watch for you from the window sill when you’re away
I wait patiently for your lap when you sit down.
My purr says I Love You
My meow says I need you
Without you, my life wouldn’t be the same.
©Audra High 2017
Raena: That’s pawsome sissy. I’s know all the kitty parents will love it, especially mommy. We know the U.K. already celebrated Mother’s Day, but we’d still like to say a Happy Mother’s day to you all.
Dezi: That’s right Raena. And anyone interested in learning more about Service Cats or animal training in general can follow our blog at We have an ongoing series on Monday where we post training tips and techniques that can be used to train both cats and dogs, and even a few other species. We also welcome questions and comments from our readers. We hope you all have a fantastic month and have lots of sun puddles to enjoy.
Till the next time……………………………………………Be Blest!!!
Love and Hugs and Kitty Kisses
Deztinee and RaenaBelle
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