Well Meow. We hope you all had a pawsome New Year. As most of you know, we lost sis Lexi last year. She lost her battle with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) and went to heaven. It broke mommy’s heart and sis Lexi took a piece of mommy’s heart with her. It left mommy and me very angry. Not at sissy. We knew how tired she was and how weak she was. We could have never been angry with her, but we hated the disease that ravaged her. We were angry with God for taking her and letting her get sick in the first place. Mommy says all that’s normal; it’s part of grieving. Mommy also says we all experience loss at one time or another; it’s how we pick up the pieces and move on that matter. Let me first tell you all that we’re still picking up the pieces. However, as you know, we did get another kitty to train as mommy’s second Service Cat.
Here’s the thing. Nobody asked me what me thought. Me didn’t wanna be the big sisfur. Me didn’t wanna be the head Service Cat in charge, trainer of the new fluff ball, defender of mommy and all. It’s a lot of work. Just how did sissy do it? How did she manage it all without lifting a paw? She was the fiercest tigress on the planet. Everybody towed the line when she was around. We always knew we were safe with sissy on duty. And let me tell ya’, she was the bestest Service Cat ever. And me couldn’t have asked for a better sissy. She whooped little ole tyrannical me into shape in no time. How? Well, let me tell you.
Sis Lexi was pure L O V E, Love. Yep, you read that right. Mes sis Lexi loved mommy and me with her whole being. She never asked to be the big sisfur either, but things happened and there she was, having to not only share mommy and her toys with me, but teach me the ropes too. And she did. Sis Lexi could sense that mommy needed her, no matter where she was or what she was doing. It’s because she loved mommy so deeply. Mommy loved her just as much. And says, that a love like that needs no words. Sometimes mommy and sis Lexi would just look at each other and sissy would get up and go to sit in mommy’s lap and purr so loud the house shook. Okay, maybe the house didn’t shake, but it sounded good. Didn’t it? And trust me, sis Lexi could purr. It could very well have shook the house, it for sure shook the bed at night.
Bet you’re all wondering what the greatest lesson sis Lexi taught me was? Sissy taught me how to love unconditionally and trust that mommy loved me the same way. Now, mommy and me communicate without saying a word. And that new sisfur me didn’t ask for? Well, me loves her too. Even tho’ she can be a pain in mes behind, me wants to be for her what sis Lexi was for me. Me wants Raena to know the kind of love that consumes you. Me wants her to never be afraid and to know that she’ll never be left behind or thrown away.
Mommy says Valentine ’s Day according to the world is a lovers’ holiday. And that’s all well and good, but since there are no lovers in our house, mommy says we celebrate the purest and rarest love of all. Unconditional Love. When all those around fail you, It’s your furry purrer that will always be there. No matter what comes our way, or what trials life may throw at us, we will endure and come out on the other side because we have love. We might still be picking up the pieces after losing sis Lexi; but we’re doing it with the love she left behind. Mommy says if more people took a lesson from the kitties book of love, this world would be a better place. We thank you all for sharing these little moments in our lives. And for those of you who think you’re alone…rest assured you’re not. We love you all and feel blest to have you in our lives. Love is the greatest gift you can ever give; and the greatest gift you’ll ever receive. Unconditional love is rare. When you find it, hold on tight. A true gift is given with no expectation of receiving anything in return. We purray you all know unconditional love in your lives.
Till the next time…………………………………………………..Be Blest!!!
Love and Hugs and Kitty Kisses
Dezi, Raena and mommy Audra
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A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.
Janet F Faure