Denver on sofa warming dutiesHi everyone, me again!

I thought I would put paw to keyboard and update you all on my poor Mum - and my weight!

You may remember she's been off work recovering from a cyst removal operation (which has gone well, no more packing is needed, and the sick notes run out at the end of November). Her work seemed to accept it (Mum told me they didn't have much choice without breaking the law). But then a couple of weeks ago, a letter arrived from work. 

You may also remember that back in May, a new law came in called GDPR (I'd call it GDPuuuuuR but hang on, I need to look up what that is.............) ah yes, otherwise known as the General Data Protection Regulations (you humans do like to make things complicated, don't you?) You have probably heard of it (in the UK and EU anyway, I'm not too sure about our other foreign friends) and been getting lots of messages about your "contact preferences" (or for us cats puuureferences?) from companies you have contacted in the past. Mum's employer is a data company, so they've been tearing their fur out about it for a good 2 and a half years before it came in. 

All this costs a lot of money apparently, and they've been having to make some drastic cuts budget wise. Sadly, Mum and 7 other people have been made redundant. This means that when Mum comes off these notes from her Vet, she won't be going back to work, she'll be looking for new work instead. Mum has asked me to point out that the redundancy had nothing to do with her sick leave. 

Denver getting spruced up to go to the VETThen, I had to go back to You All Know Where for my weigh-in. Had the usual pantomime of getting out of the box (it has to be tipped, there is NO WAY I'm coming out under my own steam), onto that funny white surface and oh no! I've put weight on again! I'm now back up nearer 6 kg when I was closer to 5. There was some talk about "low-fat" tummy kind food (Mum doesn't want me back on the weight metabolic food in case that caused the pancreatitis), but in the meantime, it's strict rations. 

After coming home, the Vet phoned Mum - the company that makes my food does a low-fat tummy food for dogs but NOT FOR CATS!!!!! How stupid is that? I know why I have put weight on - having to stay home and keep an eye on Mum means I haven't been able to go out and have a prowl about so much. And it looks like I'll be at home, keeping an eye on her job-hunting activities for a bit. 

In the meantime, both of us want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year 2019. 

Denver (and Mum Helen)



A Morning Kiss

A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.

Janet F Faure