Cat Chat

Garfield and Ricky deep in conversation ...

This is the section where you can read all about other people's cats and the things they get up to - whether they've done hilarious things, naughty things or downright plain old boring things - with cats - life is always an adventure!

Display # 
Title Published Date Author
Phone Fetish 11 March 2014 Written by Lady Cat
Missy 07 March 2014 Written by Jean Porter
Fudge gives her blessing 08 February 2014 Written by Sarah Browne
Not now, not ever 09 October 2013 Written by Rosie Sorenson
Smudge and Benson 09 August 2013 Written by Judith Haire
Dear Janit 08 August 2013 Written by Crispin
The Florida Feline Café 23 July 2013 Written by Gerald Schiffhorst
Cats, love and Destiny: a daughter's journey 09 July 2013 Written by Mary Anne Miller
My Stalker and Me 25 June 2013 Written by Rosie Sorenson
Finding Jerry Cat 12 June 2013 Written by Emily T Hartmeyer

A Morning Kiss

A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.

Janet F Faure

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