This is where you'll find all the Mewsletters that were sent out in 2016.  Enjoy!

Hi everyone – belated happy New Year to every single one of you and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.  This was the first year in about five years that Lawrence and I weren’t ill!  Past Christmases have seen us languishing on our respective sofas thinking we were breathing our last (and me wondering if I had time to change my underwear; my mother always said you must have clean underwear on in case you get taken to hospital by ambulance!!) so it was quite a euphoric time for us.  I was ill at New Year though so came down to earth with a bang and was still coughing at my son’s wedding on January 9th.

Thank you to everyone who sent me real Christmas cards through the post, and virtual ones via email – I do appreciate them – so thank you.

This Mewsletter was intended to be with you for Valentine’s Day but as is usual in the Daily Mews’ office, things went awry but we are with you now.  Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day and shared lots of snuggly snogs with your cat(s).

News on the cat front is that Gibbs might have made the decision to move in.  He’s often downstairs with Casey when I get up in the mornings and although he will sometimes go out after he’s eaten breakfast, he returns later and sleeps either in Casey’s old bed (that Eric took over and Casey refuses to use now) or in a box that I turned on its side in the front room.  He’s made that his den. He’s a smaller version of Casey and very friendly; he’ll sit on my lap and purr happily for as long as he wants to.  But then he’ll run away if I as much as put a toe near him when I’m walking past him.  Weird.

If he does decide to make the Daily Mews Office his home then he’ll need to be neutered, vaccinated, wormed and microchipped.

What qualities do you like about your cat(s)? Write and let me know; include good, clear photos and the best ones I’ll put on the website.




True to form, Dezi and Lexi are concentrating their thoughts this month about love.

Happy day of love


Floot tells us a little bit more about her life in Thassos, Greece, and her siblings.

Floot’s latest catch-up


For this month’s book quiz, please click on this link:

Book quiz February

Answers by 25th March to pauline@thedailymews.com, thank you.


The last caption competition (in the Christmas issue) was won by Becky in the US – well done Becky – and a huge thank you to everyone who took part.  Some great captions. To see the entries, click here:

Caption competition 54

For this month’s caption competition, usual rules apply: no more than 5 entries please, to pauline@thedailymews.com by 25th March.

Caption competition 55


Robert Blau in the US sent me this link of a ‘pile’ of cats:

Pile of Cats

This is a short little video showing how cats look after their human:

Why we love cats:

This next link will surely warm the cockles of your heart.  After 20 years chained in the back of a rusty pick-up truck in Peru, ex-circus mountain lion Mufasa has been returned to the forest by Animal Defenders International (ADI)

Here’s a short video link showing his rescue and ultimate release:

Mufasa returns ‘home’

And here’s his story:

Back in the wild

Iowa State University’s Lloyd Veterinary Centre has released a video of three-year-old domestic shorthair Vincent walking on titanium-alloy prosthetic hind legs. His hind legs have been missing below the midway point of his shins since he was a kitten.

Vincent’s First Steps

This next link made me really smile at the ingenuity of the cat solving a problem.  This is something that my Ollie would have done.

Cat slides down pole like a fluffy fireman



Casey had some unexpected surprises for Christmas and Valentine’s Day.  Read his latest ‘chats’ here:

It doesn’t get any better than this


Indy has been trying to lose weight and in this article, he gives advice about eating sweet things for Valentine’s Day:

Sweetness for Valentine’s Day


Like every princess, Moet dreams of meeting her prince: she has Basil and Otis – her favourite beaus – and for Valentine’s Day, her thoughts and dreams turned to love.

I’m dreaming of my special Valentine’s


Sue in the UK told me about her beautiful tortie girl, Butty, and how she held on through Christmas.


Becky in the US wrote to me in December to tell me about her sweet pure white 8-year-old, little Summer, who went over Rainbow Bridge in October.

Madame Summer

A couple of weeks later, Becky’s 20-year-old cat, Star, also crossed over Rainbow Bridge.


Please spare a thought for Ellen Pilch (15 cats and meowing) as she lost two cats toward the end of last year: Lucy and Stinky. 

It’s not easy to let one go, but Ellen, like Becky lost two in a very short while.

Squirt’s Mum, Penel, lost her beloved horse, Sadie, in January. She’d had Sadie for 18 years and it totally poleaxed her, as it was totally unexpected. 

 Please consider them all in your prayers.


Casey was overjoyed (if you can picture that!) to receive a package on Christmas Eve containing two catnip mice from Molly’s Mice (www.mollysmice.co.uk).  Gibbs claimed one for himself and Casey had the other one.

Here’s his review:

Molly’s Mice are very nice!

And that just about wraps it up for now.  I will be working on Ollie’s Diaries now throughout the rest of the month and half way through March so the next website update will be towards the end of March.

Till then, keep well and keep warm.  All feedback, good, bad or indifferent is welcome so do please let me know what you think. 

Take care


Pauline – Editor in Chief

Casey – Assistant Editor and reluctantly enjoying the 1 – 2 – 3 game.

Gibbs – ‘I’m not sure if I’m moving in yet, but I’m just doing quality control right now.’


(Keep this somewhere safe)

Many of you are unfamiliar with the website because you visit the article that you’ve written using the link in the Mewsletter or Scratching Post but you don’t know where other things are.  This is a guide which I suggest you keep somewhere safe, or save in a document that you can refer back to from time to time.

Go to www.thedailymews.com This is the Home Page.  At the top of the page you’ll see 6 categories:


Click on CAT HUMOUR and a drop down box will show you three more categories: A’MEWS’MENT ARCADE; LAURA DUMM and MEWSERS’ MEWSINGS.

A’MEWS’MENT ARCADE is where all the funny stories/quotes/jokes etc about cats are to be found.

LAURA DUMM has three categories and each one shows her fantastic art work as well as featuring her own cats in humorous situations.

MEWSERS’ MEWSINGS has another drop down box with links to all our feline correspondents.

Now click on ARTICLES: there is a drop down box to lots of different writers featured there and CAT CHAT.




The website that you subscribe to has a LOT of content but many of you are unaware of exactly what is on there.  Do take the time to have a nose around.  It’s there for you to enjoy so please enjoy it!


Hi and a huge Spring welcome to you all and our new subscribers.  Pull up a pew, plonk the cat on your lap and pour yourself your favourite tipple (mine’s a decaff cappuccino!) and enjoy the Mewsletter which has all the latest details of the new articles on the website.  Hope you all had a lovely Easter – the season of Renewal and Resurrection – but I hope you didn’t give your cats or dogs any chocolate – because that’s poisonous and could be fatal to them.

Before we get going, I have some very sad news to impart.  Lexi, of Dezi and Lexi – amazing Service Cats – very sadly had to be put to sleep on 9th March. She just couldn’t fight her kidney disease any longer and I know that Audra and Dezi are hurting badly.  Audra needs now – despite her grief – to find another kitten to train up to become a service cat as Dezi can’t do everything by herself. If you’re able to help Audra and Dezi financially, there is a PayPal link in Dezi’s piece which is detailed below.

On Easter Sunday, Garfield and his brother, Biggles, would have been 30 years old.  Biggles was just over 11 when he was run over and killed but Garfield surpassed everyone’s – including the vet’s – expectations and lived to the ripe age of 20 years and 3 months.

I’m going to try and set up a poll on the home page to see how old our most senior cat subscriber is but if I can’t do that, please just email me (at the usual address) with your cats’ ages.  And I’ll let you know next time about our most senior of senior kitizens!   

I was asked what ‘noms’ were (this was mentioned in Casey’s piece last month).  Noms just means ‘food’ but came about originally when – probably in a television advert – a cat and/or dog were seen eating their food. To highlight how good it tasted it was given a ‘sound’ which was ‘nom, nom, nom,’ in other words: this is good!’ Hope that clears up any queries about what noms are!

In Spring, there is a tendency for some people to dye their cats’ fur different colours to reflect the newness of Spring.  This is NOT, I repeat NOT, sensible or acceptable behaviour.  It is NOT funny, sweet, or any of the other adjectives they want to put on it to give themselves a reason/excuse for doing it.  It amounts to cruelty so if you see anyone’s cat that has been dyed, please report it to your local animal welfare or charity.  If you’re able to take photos to send to the charity or animal welfare organisation, please do so.  But under no circumstances dye your cats – or any pets – because the dye is very dangerous and full of horrible chemicals which can cause a lot of harm to the cat. If they groom themselves, they will ingest these chemicals.       

As from 6th April, in the UK, ALL dogs of six weeks and over HAVE to be microchipped. It will be the law.  I’m thinking that ALL cats should also be microchipped too because if ever they go missing, or get run over they can be scanned and returned to their families who will have closure.  There’s nothing worse than a cat going missing and not knowing what happened to him.

A couple of our articles reflect that this time; we have a cautionary tale from Carol Lake; an article on microchipping by Jem; and Squirt – our resident Agony Uncle – telling Gabion that his human did a good thing when he was microchipped.  Read on for more information about these items and more! 

Some veterinary practices are having a spay/neuter day for a tenner (that’s £10) on Sunday, April 3rd and for an additional £9.99 (that’s one penny less than £10) they’ll microchip as well.  Gibbs is booked in for his chip and chop although he doesn’t know it yet!  

Here’s a great new (to me) cat blog called ‘Catitude’ Pop over and say ‘Meow’ (after you’ve finished reading the latest Mewsletter of course and clicked on all the links!



In the first of our pieces highlighting the importance of getting your cat microchipped, Carol writes about a visitor to the feeding station on offer at Tom Cat Towers:

Tabby O’Malley – a cautionary tale


Audra, Dezi and Lexi’s Mommy, gave me permission to put Lexi’s last blog which goes out to all their followers and friends, on the website.  You’ll need tissues; I’ve read it several times and I’ve cried each time.

Please take care of Mommy


The importance of microchipping ANY pet you have cannot be stressed highly enough.  In Jem’s piece, he explains why it matters to get your cat microchipped.

Chips with everything


Floot, who lives on the Greek island of Thassos, has had a very eventful and stressful month which she shares with us here:

It’s been a dramatic month


Congratulations to Jared in Belgium once again who was first with all five correct answers.  You can see the answers here:

Book Quiz February

And now for this month’s Book Quiz:

Book Quiz March


Well done to Jim Willis, US, for his winning caption in February’s caption competition.  For a full list of all the caption entries, just click on the link below:

Caption competition 55

Now let’s see what you can do with this month’s competition.  Head over right now and let your imaginations run wild!

Caption competition 56

Send your answers to the Book Quiz and your entries to the Caption Competition to: pauline@thedailymews.com  by 20th April.  Thank you.



This month, we are spoiling you as we have a new column: ‘Catfucius he says …’

Based on the wisdom of Confucius, Squirt is teaching the young Gabion Tzchugge from Tom Cat Towers all about life.  There are three articles to start you off in this new – and very, very funny section:

Boy bits and the swagger walk

An open letter to Squirt from Chav Cat – a fallen feline

Sneaky sniffs

As time goes on, we’ll hear more from Gabion and Squirt.  Do let us know what you think of this new section – pauline@thedailymews.com


My friend Graham in the UK sent me this next link and I defy you not to smile or even chuckle as you watch this very short video.  I watched it half a dozen times and laughed out loud each time.

Friends Furever

My friend Ed Kostro, in the US sent me this next link about a ginger cat that comforted people in a cemetery.

Barney, the cemetery cat

You all know that next to cats, the orangutan is my favourite animal and I absolutely adored this short video clip of an orangutan who babysits some tiger cubs.

Orangutan babysits tiger cubs

We all know that cats (and dogs) are good at being companion animals (just read Dezi’s articles) but many of them perform miracles that often go unheralded.  Witness the transformation in little Iris as cat Thula helps her breakthrough her autism:

Iris and Thula

It’s a sad fact that many people still see the need to declaw their cats.  Please click on this Cole and Marmalade link to see a short video – don’t worry, it’s not graphic or nasty – just full of sensible advice.

Cole and Marmalade say: Don’t declaw your cats

This next link beggar’s belief on many counts:

Cat sent in box with DVDS



Bilbo’s latest article – a worrying piece about his bigger sister, Tammy, is on the Home Page; go to www.thedailymews.com and just scroll down a little bit.


Casey and Gibbs have had an interesting couple of weeks which they’re only just recovering from.  Here’s Casey’s view (with a few words from Gibbs) of things:

Tiaras and tantrums


It is hard work trying to lose weight (trust me, I know!) and when our bad habits affect our pets, then we know it’s time to put things right for them.  Indigo writes about his own plans for his weight loss journey this Spring:

My top 10 weight loss tips for Spring


Recently, the Times of Oman interviewed Moet about her life.  Moet has proudly written an account of that interview and how she was spoilt by everyone and she shares it with us now.

Diva for a day


Squirt has been very busy looking after Staff recently during her bereavement.  This month’s ‘Scribblings’ will take your breath away; it did mine.  What do you know about collective consciousness? Not a lot? Well, read Squirt’s latest column and you will be amazed at what animals are trying to do for our world.  I should have said – what anipals are doing for this world.

What is an anipal?


Dumpty Roo has very kindly donated her time this month to trying out Gourmet’s new range of soups for cats.

Read her review here:

Gourmet soups – how souper!

Not to be outdone, Gabion tried them out too and you can read his review here:

Love is … Gourmet soup

And that about wraps it up for this month.  Hope you enjoy all the articles – do let me have your feedback, good, bad or indifferent!

Till the next time,


Pauline – Editor in Chief

Casey – Right-Pawed Assistant Editor and Sofa Companion

Gibbs – Curious little boy – still with his ‘bits’ – but not for much longer!


“The clever cat eats chees and breathes down rat holes with baited breath.” W.C. Fields.

Hi everyone, a very warm headbutt and bellyrub to all the new subscribers.  You are all very welcome so pull up a pew, plonk the cat on your lap and enjoy the latest issue of the Mewsletter.

I have some non-cat news to impart although there is a tenuous cat link!

On Monday, 2nd May, Paisley Dewberry made her debut at 3.05am weighing in at a sweet 7lb 5oz.  She is my grandson Matthew’s baby daughter which makes me a GREAT Grandmother again!! Now I feel 200 years old!  My other little great grandson, Leo, will be 2 in August and he’s the son of my granddaughter, Demi.

Matthew used to distinguish me from his other grandmother by calling her Nannie Car and calling me Nannie Cats.  So to Paisley, I’ll be ‘Great Nannie Cats’!!!

I missed the Invictus Games while I was away in Cornwall, so I watched it on catch up TV.  Prior to the games, Gareth Malone, (a man with extraordinary talent for taking a group of disparate people and creating a beautiful choir), presented a two-part series of his meeting with Prince Harry, and the search for military personnel to form a choir.  The result is this incredible song which moves me to tears every time I listen to it.   I defy you not to be moved or have ‘watery eyes’ as you listen to it.

Flesh and blood: the choir for the Invictus Games


Obesity in our pets is still on the increase, despite all the dire warnings that the Government and organisations like the PFMA have issued.  Here’s the latest from them with findings from the last five years:

Pet Obesity: 5 Years On

Casey is carrying a little bit too much weight and I bought a book ’50 games to play with your cat’ by Jackie Strachan with a foreword by Franny Syufy to see if I could get him to ‘move around’ a little bit more.  He writes about our experiences in his column, which is further down this Mewsletter.  

Franny edits the excellent ‘About.Com Cats’ column and you’ll find her on Facebook.  In a recent issue, there was a very interesting piece about grieving. 

Sadly, some members of the writing team for The Daily Mews (TDM) recently lost their feline companions and in each case, the remaining cat or cats grieved in different ways.  Amy Shojai, who is a feline behaviour expert, has written an in-depth look at grief and what we can do to help our cats when they’ve lost a feline companion.

Cats grieve over pet loss



Ellen Pilch has written an impassioned plea that ALL cats are microchipped and shares with TDM readers a cautionary – and very sad – tale.

The importance of mandatory scanning

What are your views on mandatory scanning and microchipping?


Whenever Carol goes on holiday, she always takes kibble with her in her pockets in case she has a chance encounter with a feline in need.  Last month she was in Majorca, which is one of the Balearic Islands near mainland Spain – and she’s written a story about a very special cat that she’s named ‘Spartie’.

Spartie’s Story


I felt inspired to write a blog entry this month as it’s the 10th anniversary of the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukaemia (on 6th June) and on the 12th June, it’s the 10th anniversary of Garfield leaving for his onward journey.  Even now, ten years on, I still cry as I remember my last couple of days with him.

June – a month of celebration


It’s been a few months since Lexi went to Rainbow Bridge, a turbulent time for both Dezi and her Mommy, Audra.  Dezi has been brave enough to be able to put paw to keyboard and shares with us her feelings over the tragic loss of her ‘sissy’ Lexi.

Mommy, where’s Sissy?

Have you noticed if your cats or dogs seemed to grieve when they’ve lost a human carer or a fellow litter mate.  Even if they’re not related to each other or are different species, animals will still grieve – so if yours have, please write and let me know.


Having decided you’re going to get a new kitten, you need to make sure your kitten has the best start in life.

Making sure your kitten gets off to a healthy start in life



Well done to Jared Kline in Belgium for being the first person to have all 6 authors correct in the last book quiz.

To see the answers, click here:

Book Quiz April

And now, for this month’s book quiz, please click below:

Book Quiz June

Please send your answers (there are six in total) to pauline@thedailymews.comby 20th June. Thank you.


Well done to Helen Gale, in Torquay, UK for her winning caption. There were some very good ones this time and it was hard to choose.  In the end, because of topicality, Helen came out on top! To see all the entries and Helen’s winning one, head on over to:

Caption Competition 57

For this month’s competition, please click on the link below.  As always, up to 5 entries can be submitted – clean ones, no smutty suggestions as I do have minors that read the Mewsletter and visit the website.  Send them by 20th June to pauline@thedailymews.comThank you.

Caption Competition 58


I’ve been meaning to create this section for some time now as wherever we go away, whether it’s in the UK for a few days, or abroad for two weeks, we always encounter cats. If you go on holiday and meet cats that are usually unknown to you, send me a couple of good, clear pictures, with their names and ages (if known) and where they are.  I’ll add them to the section and we’ll see how many ‘cousins’ around the world, Casey has.

We start off with Duchess, who was the house cat at the lovely guest house that Lawrence and I stayed in last month, near St Austell, Cornwall.


Each evening Lawrence and I would drive off down the road a couple of miles to a beautiful B&B and inn called ‘The Waterwheel Inn.’  The second time we were there we met Bailey in the carpark.  He was so strikingly similar to Garfield, that I had to do a double take.  Like most ginger cats, he was very friendly and allowed me to pet him, and take his picture.



This topiary cat is an internet sensation!

Topiary Cat

My thanks to Robert Blau in the US for this link to an amazing story of a little paralysed kitten called Mac.  Doctors made him a special wheelchair so that he could get around.

Kitten rolls off to a new start with a special wheelchair

Robert also sent me this incredible link of a cat that swallowed a wishbone from a chicken – a timely warning to be careful where you throw your leftovers.

Cat gets a lucky break after swallowing a wishbone



I should have included Dumpty’s introduction to last month’s new column about her dinner guests.  So here it is:

Introduction: Fine dining at Tom Cat Towers

Like stealth operatives on a covert mission, brothers Derek and Mr Kipling make their way through the fence at the top of their garden into Dumpty’s garden at Tom Cat Towers. 

Derek and Mr Kipling

Sometimes, a ‘paying guest’ isn’t very well-mannered and has to be returned to his own home pronto to avoid the house residents from being beaten up.

Felix – bed and breakfast



Bilbo’s found a new way to work off his pent up frustrations – yoga.

Yoga for cats


Casey’s been up to some tricks recently as you’ll read in his latest column.

Trick or Treat


You may remember Dumpty and her diaries. Dumpty is a Royal Himalayan Lynx and she’s very pretty with ideas way above her station.  In her penultimate diary entry, she’s very excited as Maid has received an invitation to Buckingham Palace.  Could this be the invite that Dumpty has been waiting all her life for?

The call to The Palace has come …

How did it all work out for Dumpty? Is she now ensconced at Buckingham Palace where she feels she so rightly belongs? Read the final entry of her very acerbically funny diaries now.

The invite to The Palace


In Greece, Easter is celebrated on 29th April, and Floot has written about the traditional fish soup that people eat (and sometimes give to cats as a treat!) and her 7th birthday.

Floot’s birthday and Easter celebrations


Indy’s been very down in the dumps since his brofur Bob went to Rainbow Bridge.  He asks some very valid questions in his latest piece:

How to go on when you can’t go on


Some of you may remember a piece I wrote for a competition the BBC ran some years ago.  I didn’t win but in the writing, I found it to be a cathartic exercise.

Celebrating Scars

And that just about wraps it up for now.  I’m sorry this Mewsletter is a week or so overdue but hopefully, I’ll be back on track for the end of June for the next website update and next issue of the Mewsletter.

Till then, keep well – and safe.


Pauline – Editor in Chief

Casey – Assistant to the Editor in Chief and Chief Prankster

Gibbs – Gofer to the Assistant to the Editor in Chief and Box Lover Extraordinaire


Hi there and a huge warm welcome to all the new subscribers.

First of all, it looks as if Spring has finally got the memo and decided to turn up.  A bit tardy and underdressed, but she’s here at last.  Hope your winter weather is giving way to Spring and there’s some warmth in your days.  Although the weather report today said that where Squirt comes from there is snow!

Those fantastic folk at The Cat Gallery, Yorkshire, UK, sent Casey and Gibbs a box full of surprises the other day.  You’ll see their reviews a bit further down in this Mewsletter.  But good news to impart: Daily Mews subscribers from ALL OVER THE WORLD can get a 10% discount off their wonderful feline products; quote TDM10 when you order.  This offer lasts till the end of May so don’t miss out.  Go to: www.thecatgallery.co.uk.  And don’t forget to quote TDM10 at the check-out or when asked.     

Cat Sponsors Needed:

Fundraiser World Animal Friends is appealing for donors to Zenka Cat Shelter, based in Pancevo, Serbia. The shelter was founded 16 years ago by Ljubica Landeka, who self-funded the enterprise until she retired on a small pension – resulting in little money for the cats’ care. The situation was noted by World Animal Friends, who set up a sponsorship scheme to help the 70 rescued cats housed at the shelter. Monthly food bills alone cost £400, with cat litter, vaccinations, neutering and medical treatment soon boosting the total.

Sponsoring a Zenka cat costs just £6.00 a month – visit http://worldanimals.wix.com/zenkashelter to sign up.


I wasn’t able to set up a poll for the cats’ ages and I can’t ask my tech guy because he’s dealing with a serious illness at the moment.  But one person – Jamaka in the US – did write to let me know that her youngest cat, Suha, is 11 and her eldest cat, Rani was 19 on the 6th April.  Do we have any advance on 19??




It’s been a while since we’ve had an amazing cat highlighted and this month I’m very privileged to feature Zee, a cat that lives in Portland, Oregon, who was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease nearly two years ago – and she is now in remission.

How Zee conquered Chronic Kidney Disease


Ed is a tireless advocate for animal welfare and regularly trawls the streets where he lives in Chicago rounding up waifs and strays that have been abandoned to fend for themselves.  Recently his dog Highway found four little kittens in their outdoor kennel.  Read Ed’s heart lifting story here:

Build it and they will come


Last May Jem went to Rome and while there, he found a cat sanctuary in the ruins.  Against the odds, and despite attempts to have it shut down, the Torre Argentina is doing its best for the 160 or so cats in its care.

When in Rome

If you’d like to donate, click on the website address at the bottom of Jem’s article or contact them using the email address also at the bottom of the article.


I hope you’re enjoying the question and answer column between young Gabion and the wise Zen master, Squirt from Scotland.  Here’s the latest article where Gabe’s wants to know about Birthdays and Squirt gives his sage reply.

What is a birthday?


Some of you, when you acknowledge your subscription details, write and tell me about your cats.  Luana from California is one such subscriber.

Luana’s cats


Congratulations to Adriana Huilar in the US for getting the most answers correct in the last book quiz.  To see the answers, please click here:

Book Quiz March

For this month’s book quiz, please click here:

Book Quiz April


Congratulations to Dale in the US whose caption won the last Caption Competition – a full list of captions can be seen here on this link:

Caption competition 56

See what you can come up with for this month’s caption comp.

Caption competition 57

As with the book quiz, please send your answers/entries to pauline@thedailymews.comby 20th May 2016.  Thank you.


My Home Page Message can be found – surprisingly enough on the Home Page! Just go to www.thedailymews.comand scroll down a little bit!


How did you come by your kittens?  Did you stumble into kitten parenthood by accident because ‘well-meaning’ family members and/or friends coerced you into having one or two? Or did you plan first, gathering all the bits and pieces you need to welcome home a kitten into your life, and then go and get the kitten?  Whichever you did it, or do it, there are some things that you need to have in place to make sure that bringing home a kitten or two will be a smooth operation.

Here’s the first in a series of articles on kitten care.

Getting a kitten


Cats are very clever as we all know and some like to show off their skill and prowess to the camera.  This very short video link will show you Logan, a very clever cat indeed.


This is funny – a chain reaction:

Chain reaction

This is so cute.  A little kitten standing up on his back legs to welcome his owner home.

Welcome home Mum



Bilbo has a conundrum this time around: what to get his Mum for Mother’s Day.  See what ideas he comes up with:

Ideas for Mother’s Day


Casey’s got some exciting news to impart:

Gibbs loses them dangly things and other good news


Dumpty spends a lot of time looking out of the patio doors onto a garden which sees a number of different dinner guests in this brief series. 

Fine dining at Tom Cat Towers for garden guests

Next she talks about her blackbirds and other visitors that fly in to the garden.

Blackbirds and inflight dining

And then there is Cuthbert – the critic and mystery diner

Cuthbert the critic


Indy is updating us on his 10 ten goals for weight loss from last month.  He’s certainly been trying hard.

Update on my top 10 weight loss goals for spring


Moet lives with her ‘sisfurs’, Luna and Lily, so imagine how they must have felt when Cosmo joined them.

Getting a new brofur


After the phenomenal success of Squirt’s last article ‘What is an anipal?’ he writes this month about his first love: tractors and farm machinery:

Tractors are cool – or Confessions of a Diesel Head


Many of us that have cats in our lives are fortunate enough to be loved perhaps by one special character that shines above all the other cats in our lives.  If we’re lucky, we can know this love a few times over.  Sometimes, though, that one special outstanding love is never to be repeated and we don’t want it to be, in case the new love surpasses the ‘old’.

For anyone who has loved and been loved by a cat, it is a beautiful experience because cats are known for their infidelity and their aloofness.  To have known and been known by such a creature is surely a blessing from God himself.

Pookie was one such cat; and his human, Aoife, has written a most beautiful tribute to a very fine and adventurous spirit.


It is with a sad heart that I let you know that Ellen (15 Cats and Meowing) has lost another beloved cat – Spooky – recently. That’s three cats in a very short space of time.  Our hearts and prayers go out to her, her husband and their remaining cats.


Casey and Gibbs recently received a box full of treats from www.thecatgallery.co.uk  Here’s their review of their new toys and treats.

Toys and Treats from the Cat Gallery

Don’t forget to claim your 10% of your first order; go to the website and quote TDM10 NOW!!! You have until the end of May so please don’t miss out on this generous offer from Peter and his lovely cat Ethel.

And that just about wraps it up for this month. Take care and enjoy the warmer weather – sorry Squirt in Scotland!

Until next time

Love Pauline, Editor-in-Chief

Casey – Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief and getting used to be being an older brother to Gibbs

Gibbs – ‘I know I had them here somewhere.  I’m sure they’ll turn up soon!’

Hi everyone and a very warm welcome to all the new subscribers who joined us this month.  If there are any squiggly things going on with the text in this Mewsletter, it’s because Gibbs has joined me on the desk and keeps putting his paw on the keyboard.  So I apologise in advance!  In the previous Mewsletter, I gave the links to the Invictus Games and the choir which Gareth Malone created.  The links didn’t work outside of the UK (I didn’t know that, I’m sorry!) but Jim Willis in the US kindly found me the links and here they are:

Episode One:


and Episode Two:


The link for the actual song – Flesh and Blood - (which I’ve just listened to again and I’m in tears again) is here:


If this link doesn’t work, try looking up ‘Flesh and Blood’ by Invictus 2016 choir or something along those lines and hopefully you’ll get it.

I’m sorry this Mewsletter is a tad later than the usual end of the month issue.  My back has been in spasm a couple of times and I couldn’t move.  To sit on the computer just about killed me so I’m afraid I had to just park my butt on the sofa, piled with cushions behind me and winced every time I moved.  I hope you enjoy this issue.



The homepage message this time is about the bravery of cats.  Go to www.thedailymews.com and scroll down a little way; you’ll see the message headed up: ‘Cats are brave aren’t they?’



I can’t begin to imagine the pain of loss that Ellen and her husband went through when they lost three of their beloved cats in recent months.  Ellen has written about each cat in her latest article:

Grief times three


Although this is a cat website, I’m always very happy to publish stories about dogs because many of you do have cats and dogs living happily together.  James Colasanti Jr is a particular favourite of mine and his stories are always full of love and wisdom.  This story was written as a tribute to his own father for Father’s Day last month.  You will love it – even if you’re not a dog person.

Learning Life


Last month I wrote about June being a month of celebration.  This month it’s been vastly different.

Dare to dream


Dezi has some great news to tell you.  I won’t spoil her surprise – you can read it here:

Welcome to your forever home


The next article in this new series of kitten care is about socialisation, which is very important to ensure your kitten is a bold, inquisitive little chap, and not a scaredy-cat.

Socialising your kitten



June’s book quiz was won by Dana Beaton who lives in Denmark.  Well done, Dana.  For the answers to that quiz click on this link:

Book Quiz June

For this month’s book quiz, please click on this link. 

Book Quiz July

Send your answers to pauline@thedailymews.com by 20th August. 


Last month’s caption (of Casey doing his best DJ impression) was won by Mark O’Dwyer, on behalf of Mawson Bear, in Western Australia.  Well done, Mawson/Mark – you were up against some very stiff competition.

To see all the entries, please click here:

Caption Competition 58

For this month’s new caption competition, please click here:

Caption Competition 59

As with the Book Quiz, please send your captions – no more than 5 please – to pauline@thedailymews.com  by 20th August. Thank you.

If you have good clear photos of your own cats (with or without another pet in the picture) that you think would make a great idea for the caption competition, please send them to me at the usual address.   I am running out of ideas and there are only so many pictures of Casey and Gibbs asleep in some receptacle or other which might make a reasonable competition entry.  So come on – get them pictures out and send them to me.


Moet’s Mum, Emily, who lives in Oman, and has her own column here on the Daily Mews, is part of a team of volunteers who try to help cats in need of veterinary treatment, etc, out of their own pockets.  There is a Go Fund Me page where you can make vital donations to help.


Here’s a wonderful short video of a girl meeting up with two gorillas that she’d known when she was a baby:

Girl meets gorillas after 12 years

A bit belated for Father’s Day, is a clever compilation of short videos celebrating cats with their Human Dads:




Casey has had a busy time of things since he last wrote his ‘chats’.  In fact, he had so much to say, he’s written two ‘chats’ this month.

I need a lie down

I’ve had another birthday


Dumpty’s piece this month is about packed lunches – mice!

Mice – packed lunch


Indy is still struggling to get over the death of his brother, but we know that time is a great healer.  He has put paw to keyboard to remind us humans that we need to be vigilant during the summer weather.  Here are his tips:

Indy’s 10 top tips for keeping cool this summer


It’s good to hear from Moet again and this month she regales us with when she’s been a model.

Times as a cat-meowdel


It’s good to have a Scribbling from Squirt this month.  His Staff and Manstaff are both very busy people and he’s not allowed on the computer by himself or he’d be ordering up all sorts from the local takeaway restaurant. Here’s this latest Scribblings which I know you’ll enjoy.

That was the week that was


Casey and Gibbs received a nice surprise in the post a week or so back.  They were pleased to find another box from Perfect Box – read their review here:

Another surprise from Perfect Box

Daily Mews subscribers can have a 25% discount if you quote: ukb3gut7 at the check-out. Go to www.perfect-box.co.uk for more information.

A while back Casey and Gibbs received a box of surprise goodies from Peter and Alison, and Ethel, the cat, who are at www.thecatgallery.co.uk . One of the items was a DVD for cats but because I’d lost the remote control to the blu ray I wasn’t able to show it to them until recently.

Here’s their review:

Feline Frolics: TV fun for your furry friend

And that just about wraps it up for this month.  The next Mewsletter should be with you by the end of August and I hope to get back on track again.  I’m taking a short break while I catch up with all the writing projects and other things that took a back seat while my back was in spasm.  I might, if I get time, put out a Scratching Post towards the beginning of August, but don’t worry if you don’t hear from me.

As always, your feedback is very welcome: good, bad or indifferent and if you like something that one of the amazing writers for The Daily Mews has written, let me know and I’ll pass on your comments.

Stay safe in the sun.  Remember, light coloured kitties need to have sunblock on the tips of their ears, and their noses as they can burn.  And they can and do get skin cancer, losing their ears and noses as a result.

Take care, till the next time.


Pauline: Editor in Chief

Casey: Assistant to the Editor in Chief and Unbiased Tester of Cat Things

Gibbs: Assistant to the Assistant to the Editor in Chief and also Unbiased Tester of Cat Things with a Preference for Edible Objects


In the Middle of a World...

"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."

Roseanne Anderson

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